Chapter 3

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    I slowly opened my eyes, and for just a second I forgot where I was. Last nights events replayed in my mind over, and over.

I must have fallen asleep down here somehow, even though the pain was intense and I really thought I was going to die, I didn't.

Not sure whether that's a good thing or bad thing. At this point, I really didn't care.

I slowly lifted my the bottom of my hoodie up so I could examine my stomach, hoping that my ribs would only be bruised and not broken.

Over time, I have become my own doctor. I've learned how to fix my own wounds, clean them. And deal with the pain; taking pain relievers, putting ice on them, etc.

I would say I'm pretty smart and educated at my age, I could become a little doctor.

Even while laying on the basement floor battered and bruised, I can still make jokes.

I placed my small hands on the ice cold basement floor, using all the strength I could muster to bring myself to my feet.

My arms were shaking and I tried my hardest to ignore the shooting pain, that was traveling through my whole body.

I gritted my teeth together and applied even more pressure to my hands and arms, trying my hardest to stand.

I let out a small grunt, and carefully relaxed my arms, so they were back lying down again. I couldn't even stand up.

You're weak.

The voice in my head was taunting me, and frustrating me even more.

You'll always be weak.

You can't even stand.

Your pathetic.

I shut my eyes, stopping myself from crying. I blink repeatedly, trying to get the tears to go away.

Only weak people cry.

I let out an exhausted sigh, and swallowed the lump in my throat I didn't even know was there.

I looked around the basement, trying to find something, anything that could help me stand. I wasn't gonna spend the whole day in here, I have more important things to do.

I looked at the railing by the basement stairs, that could help me stand and walk out of here.

With all the strength I could, I lifted my head and hands to crawl over there.

With each movement I made, it was like my ribs were pleading me to stop. They were screaming to me to just stay here, and quit moving.

I ignored the pain that I could feel all throughout my body. I bit my tongue so I wouldn't scream out in pain, and wake anyone up. I kept my teeth clenched onto my tongue to the point where it was bleeding.

I raised my shaking arm up to reach for the railing, I quickly grasped onto in tightly and used all my strength to get up from the floor.

My stomach was hurting like hell, but the only thing I could do was try my best to ignore it. 'It'll be okay when the pain goes away' I kept telling myself.

Once I was steadied I let out a shaky breath, and grasped onto the railing tighter. Now was the hard part, I had to walk up the stairs.

I gulped and raised my leg onto the first step.


After what felt like forever but was only 25 minutes, I was out of the basement and back into the living room and kitchen.

I looked around the vacant room, to my luck my mom and Zach were no where to be seen or heard. Still, I'd rather be safe than sorry. I just got out of the damn basement and I don't plan on going back today.

During my walk up the stairs, I slowly started to regain some strength. I fumbled my way over to the freezer, bumping and holding onto things to stop from falling in the process.

I opened up the freezer quietly and pulled some ice out. I set it on the kitchen table and grabbed a paper towel as well. I wrapped the towel around the ice and gently lifted up my shirt to apply it on my bruises.

I looked at my bruised stomach in disgust.

This is why no one loves you.

I shook my head, trying to get these nagging voices out of my head.

You're disgusting. These bruises even show your worthless.

I groaned still trying to ignore the voice in my head, and looked up at the clock. 4:32 am.

School will be starting in a couple hours. I've already missed 3 weeks of school in total, and I can't afford to miss any more. 

This isn't even that bad compared to other stuff that has happened to me.

I set the ice back down and walked towards the cabinets, I pulled down the bottle of Tylenol and struggled to unscrew the cap.

Stupid child-proof lids.

I threw the bottle on the counter in frustration, making a bit of noise. I turned around to make sure no one has came home or woken up.

I grabbed the bottle again and opened it with much ease this time. I grabbed two pills and plopped them in my mouth, and swallowed dry.  From having to do this so many times, it gets easier and easier to do it without using water.

I struggled my way up the stairs, and into the hallway leading to my 'bedroom'.

There was no way I was falling back asleep, I grabbed my sketch book from my desk and curled up on my window seat.

I began drawing to pass time, and wait for 6 o'clock to come around and get ready for my day. 

[A/N: This chapter was basically just to show you Quinn's struggles, and stuff she has to go through daily. I thought a chapter just about Quinn's pain and thoughts could help you understand her more. Also keep reading, some juicy stuff is about to happen.]

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