Chapter 14

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As hours passed by, I sat in my room doing absolutely nothing. After my flashback one of the brothers got into the room I was staying in, finding me.

I stayed up the rest of the night filled with anxiety, and I was  too scared to fall back asleep.

What if he was going to tell the others? Would they kick me out, and send me to the street? Every movement I made, ached and hurt. Walking down the steps without falling over is a struggle. If I went home, Zach would beat me to a pulp. He'd throw nasty words at me, after several punches and kicks, and throws. By the time he'd be done, he would know I'd be too weak to fight back. He would hand me over to his buddies and let them do whatever the hell they wanted with me. Or he'd keep me to himself.

I gulped, and ran my shaky hands through my hair. It was something I did when I was really stressed. My stomach grumbled and ached a lot too. I hadn't had any food in about 3 days, and I felt like I was starving.

Get over yourself, people have it worse than you.

People in other countries don't have food at all.

Your self centered, only thinking about yourself.

I sighed, I am self centered, people have it worse other places. I shouldn't be complaining.

My stomach grumbled again.

But I'm really hungry.

Would they be mad at me if I ate? Was I aloud to have anything to eat? Or would they be like Zach and throw me down into their basement if they found out I ate something? Maybe if I made them breakfast as well.. Maybe then they'll let me eat too?

I got up from my comfortable position on the bed, and steadied myself before walking to the door. I held onto the wall walking down the hallway, past each of the brothers room. I made sure to be extremely quiet, not wanting to wake anyone up. I tip toed down the stairs, making my ankle send a shooting pain throughout it. I sucked in a breath but kept walking anyways.

You've had worse. I kept telling myself. You'll be fine.

At the bottom of the stairs I turned to the right towards the very fancy kitchen. I read the time on the oven seeing, 7:03 . I'm not really sure when these boys wake up but if they want breakfast warm, they can just re-heat it.

I knew a couple recipes by heart, some that mom showed me when I was younger, and some I found on my own cause I loved cooking.

After 20 minutes of rummaging through cupboards, and climbing on top of counters I got all the ingredients ready for homemade waffles and omelets.


I placed the last waffle down on the big, circular, marble plate, that I thought was pretty.

A noise that sounded like thunder crashed down the stairs, I looked up from the waffles and to the heard of boys in front of me. Oh, it wasn't thunder it was these idiots.

They all looked confused, and mad? I didn't want to take any chances as I ducked under the kitchen island, even though they already saw me. My hands started shaking and my palms started sweating.

I shouldn't have come down.

I looked up and saw a head above mine, with a goofy smile on his face. Startling me I jumped up and hit my head with the other boy.

He groaned in pain while rubbing his head, while I muttered "shiiit." I rubbed my temple as well, feeling a headache already coming on.

The guy let out a snort and jumped off the counter top, I stood up slowly looking at all of them, but feeling uncomfortable under all their gazes.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya." He laughed a little, to which I just shrugged and muttered an "it's fine."

"D'you mrke is?" Blake asked with a whole entire waffle stuffed in his mouth. I looked at him confused. He put up his pointer finger indicating one second, and swallowed the rest of the waffle in one take. I gave him a disgusted look but he just ignored it. "Did you make this?" He asked a lot more clearer. I just shyly nodded. Everyone else was now starting to sit down, and dig in to their food.

The one that I bonked heads with earlier took a bite, and looked at me. "This is really good!" He exclaimed, opening his eyes up wide, and taking another bite.

Everyone else nodded in agreement eagerly. I took this as my chance to get something to eat now. I grabbed half a waffle and half a omelet, knowing it would be more than enough to fill me. I set it down and walked over to a vacant seat and looked around, to see if any of them would be mad at me for eating it. They were all focused on their food, in their own worlds, or having small talk with each other. I picked up my fork and took a small bite out of it, when no one started yelling or throwing things at me I continued.

After eating almost half of my waffle, I realized something. I cleared my throat, making everyone's head snap to my direction.

"I don't even know your guys names.." I stated, making all of them gape realizing they didn't introduce themselves.

"I'm so sorry, I'm Luke, the oldest. I own a car dealership down here you might know of." He smiled showing off his pearly whites. I gave a small wave and looked at the next boy. This was the strong voice that spoke...

"I'm Finn, honestly I don't have much to say about myself but.." He thought a little longer until he finally came up with something. "I'm kinda dumb, and I play baseball." He finished, nodding his head while smiling that he figured out something. I nodded my head at him slowly too, doing whatever he was doing. This was the one who gave me a glass of water when I got here.

"I'm Benji." He gave a small smile, and a wave to me. "I like pastel art, and play soccer and basketball." He gave another
smile and turned to the brother seated beside him. This was the one that wasn't so scary, and also the one that found me last night.

"Ryder." He grumbled, avoiding eye contact with me. I rolled my eyes at his introduction, while Benji nudged him with his elbow.

He looked over at me and rolled his eyes while getting up and pushing his chair, going downstairs. I nodded slowly, he's grumpy.

"You already know me, but I'm Blake." He shrugged his shoulders and continued eating his waffle. I nodded my head slowly and looked over at the next guy.

"I'm Brandon, and if a girl comes over.. leave me alone." He smirked, and took a bite of his waffle and winked. I threw him a disgusted look but he just ignored it.

The last boy was the one that I clonked heads with a little bit ago. "I'm Andrew." He stuck out his hand for me to shake, which I shook back but was immediately grossed out to find syrup now covering my hands. He burst out laughing, while the other boys tried holding back theirs but failed miserably. I muttered a small "oh my lord.." and wiped off the syrup on my napkin. Andrew was also the one to poke my cheek when I first arrived here.

And that's how it all began.

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