Part 1 - Start Here

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**Throughout this story you get to decide what happens so please pay attention to what chapters you are told to go through depending on the choice you would like to make**

Yesterday was Friday, and your birthday. Your mother presents you with one gift, and it is an envelope from someone else. Reading the return address, you see your fathers name written there. With a smile on your lips and a look from your mom, you know exactly what inside of this envelope is going to say:

Your father finally wants to meet you again.

Yes, he was there for your birth but didn't stick around too long after that. You do not know him, you do not remember him. Your mother will talk about him, but it's just not the same as having the opportunity to know a man that you know is still alive.

Also, your mother is a bid odd. She never has the same job for over two months, and always picks the late evening or night shifts. Not once have you seen her truly work during the daylight hours. To add to that, she just acted odd. Never slept a lot, cooked and cleaned a lot, just not what you think of as a normal mother.


Your mother turns and you pull into the driveway of your fathers house. It's just outside of a town about an hour and a half away, and looks to be two and a half stories tall. 

"Are you ready?" Your mother asks, looking at the house with an unreadable expression somewhere between sorrow and love.

"I am," You reply and pop the door open.

Your father meets you at the door with a smile on his face. "Well, hello!"

Suddenly, a wave of shyness and unease flutters over you. Your mother comes to your rescue and says, "Good day," in response to my father.

"Come right on inside, girls," He says and pushes the door open to allow us entrance. Your mother leads the way, going inside and taking a seat on the couch in the living room. She sits at the edge of the seat, with her arms on her legs in discomfort. You uneasily go and sit next to her, your father taking a seat on the chair in front of you.

The next hour or so go fairly well, a gentle conversation whisking over the time. Your father does most of the talking, but you don't find too much of an issue with that. But, your mother gets to her feet insisting, "I should be heading out."

Your parents go out to your moms car to quickly bring in your things. Your father had asked you to stay the weekend in his letter, and you agreed as long as he would bring him home if you asked him to.

With this, you go out to eat for your birthday with your father. You pick one of your favorite fast food places and he brings you to a small nature park to eat. The conversation is easier this time, without your mother along and being able to sit outside.

After, you return home and he sets you up for the night in the attic. It's not too messy, and the bed set up is decent. It is just getting dark out when you are ready to lay down in bed after the wacky day you have had. Your father was a nice, relatable man who did his best to answer your questions thoughtfully. You're considering wanting to get more of a relationship with him as you advance in life.

Your head falls into rest, a silent rest with little disruption from your environment. Well, at least for a few hours. After that, small noises like creeks from feet or the hushed whisper of voices begins to awaken you. At last, you sit up with sleep still stuck to your eyes to try to figure out what was going on. The room is much too dark to see anything, so you decide to stumble out of bed and graze the wall with your hand until you are able to flip on the light.

A scream escapes your lips as the floor is cluttered in little monsters! Colors of the rainbow, eyes of sizes and count. Arms and legs and unnamable limbs. Fat to skinny, the tallest maybe three feet and the smallest like a baseball!


And now you get to decide! What will you do to combat these small creatures?

Will you carefully stay and see if they can explain themselves? (Continue to Part 2)

Or will you cry out and wake up your father, demanding to go home right this instant? (Advance to Part 3)

The choice is yours.

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