Part 12 - Mealtime

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**Incomplete Section**

You and your father are just putting the food on the table when a knock comes to the door. "I've got it!" You claim, hurrying over to grab the door with an oven mitt still on your hand. You gleam at your mother, "Welcome!"

"It smells amazing in here," She responds and comes in, going straight to sit down at the table. Your father grabs plates and hands them to everyone. You pour yourself some lemon aid in the meantime.

"I am very glad you could make it," Your father says to mother, trying to be polite. Through cooking, you had really begun to realize how much sadness your father housed because of what your mother had done to him. It was hard to watch, but you also knew it was nothing that you would be able to fix.

"To the future," Your mother raises her glass in toast.

"To our future," You reply with a smile, the three of you clinking together your glasses like a family.

Everyone begins eating, and it is silent for voices around the table. But you still want to bring up the monsters, you still want to see if you can figure this whole thing out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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