Part 5 - Mother knows best

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With your heart beating in your ears, you throw your backpack to the side. You don't turn back to look at your father, he had never been there for you. Why would he care now? It would just be easiest for everyone if you just let your mother kill him.

Once you are behind your mother, you keep your back turned and with a cry your mother jumps at your father, knocking him to the ground with a loud thud. He is screaming, but you can't turn around. His voice cracks and suddenly, you hear your mother rise to her feet. 

"The deed is done. Come now, we must dispose of him."

You turn around and see your father with his head almost backwards, blood spurring at his mouth. Your mother has a knife in hand with blood at the tip. But, he is dead. There was nothing left of him but his body. You would never be able to know your father, it had always been a thread of hope you held onto. But your mother... Your own flesh and blood... had killed him.


Now you choose. Is this right?

Will you help your mother? (Continue reading below)

Or will you go against her, never wanting her to actually kill him? (Skip to Part 7)


You brush off this feeling, and go to join your mother. She instructs you to take his hands and she takes his feet. Together, you bring the dead man out of the house. He gets dragged to the backyard, and your mother goes to the shed to retrieve a shovel. You are told to return inside and to go to bed, she will handle this.

Without complaint, you go inside and prepare yourself to return to sleep. Your father is dead, and now you feet whole. Something was just wrong about him being alive. This was the right choice. You peek out the window and your mother is hard at work digging out a grave for him to rest in. Let his soul rest in fire, never to be at peace.


And from that night on, you begin to work with you mother. You find all of the monsters hidden under beds at your departed fathers house, quickly learning the craft to kill the creatures. And this takes you into your adult life, being just like your mother in the sense of night jobs to hide that you are finding and killing monsters that no longer need to be a part of Earth.

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