Part 7 - Rebellion

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"W...Why did you do that?!" You cry out.

"Child, he was in the way of me getting to my goal. Just an obstacle that needed to be disposed of. It is no big deal," Your mother insists.

"It's murder!" You cry out in horror.

"Not when you have trained to kill. Come now, we don't want the house smelling of stain blood."

"No," You press on. "He did not deserve to die."

"Very well, it looks as if you will die also!" In the bat of an eye, your mother has thrown you to the ground, a blade at your neck. You can't breathe, it's too difficult! What have you done... Maybe she...


You must be quick! This is life or death, what will you choose?

Fight back! (Skip to part 8)

Try to talk her out of it... (Continue reading)


"Mother! What are you doing?" You try.

"I should have just aborted the impregnating when I first learned about you! You are a disgrace to everything I have done in my life."

"Why won't you just-"

The blade presses into your neck, cutting your neck and stopping your ability to breathe. "Listen..." You manage before your eyes flutter closed.

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