Part 3 - Send me home!

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You run out of the attic, from those crazy creatures and to what you hoped was your fathers door. You slam your fist onto the wood one, two, three times in a loud knock. When you pull back, your hands are shaking.

It takes a minuet too long for your father to open the door with his hair sticking up, and his shirt on backwards. "Is something the matter? You can raid the fr-"

"There are monsters in my room!" You yell at him.

His eyes almost pop out of his head before he rubs his temples with two fingers. He groans and complains quietly, "I should have known they would do this..."

You worry that he actually knows what is going on but still want to go home. "I want to go home." You say with tears welling in your eyes.

"Hey, they aren't going to hurt you if you don't hurt them... Are you sure about this? You seem pretty tired..." Your father tries to convince you otherwise.

"No! I want to go home." You press on. And finally, he agrees to your demand.


It's 2am when your father drives you into your mothers driveway. You refused to talk to him throughout the drive, even though he tried to open conversation. Just as you are opening the door he says, "I don't know what you think, but you need to know that those creatures won't hurt you unless you hurt them."

With this, you take your stuff and slam the car door at him. Today was not the day you felt like listening to that creep. He left and now you really understood why. But was he telling the truth? You know your mother isn't home, so you go to the side of the house to find the hidden key. You are easily able to get inside and once you've turned on the light, your mother is looking back at you with green slime-like blood on her shirt and hands.

Your lips move, but not a sound comes out. Your mother comes up and goes right past you, going outside but your father had already driven away. "That blasted man," She growls and goes to get her phone, wiping her hands off on her pants before grabbing it and dialing his number. She raises her phone to her ear and taps her fingers on the table in anticipation.

"Yeah, so you just drop her off here!?"

"No, they shouldn't know."

"I hate you two," She growls and slams the phone back into its place to hang up, grumbling to herself then turning back to you.

"So, you saw them, the monsters?" She asks.

You nod, not wanting to say anything about your experience if you didn't have to.

"What did you think?"

"I wanted to know if you knew," you admit.

"Well, I do. And... I don't like it. I never wanted to have to tell you... To get you wrapped-up in this never-ending feud I plan to finish." She says.

"How do you plan to finish it?"

"I will kill every last one of them if it's the last thing I do. That plague will never again roam on this Earth."

"Why are they in fathers house?" You try.

"He thinks that he can protect them from hunters like myself. Foolish man, he knows nothing about how to protect himself. I thought marrying him and getting close may give me a chance, but with you in the mix? I couldn't risk a life that wasn't my own. I abandoned him but not my mission. They will all die, even if it is the last thing that I do."

"Mom, what if there is a reason that dad protects them?"

"He was taught to cherish them for the shameful nothing that they are capable of. He is a foolish man that I..." She stops when a knock comes to the door. You are still right in front of it, so you turn around and open it, letting in your father.

"Now, you have a choice my child," You mother goes on in a different direction. "You can choose to join him and fight me. I will not hesitate to let you both bleed out on this very carpet. Or! You can stand behind me. This is the last time I want him to breathe."

"I never have done anything to harm you!" Your father cries out in response to your mother. "And they are helpless beings who just need our protection. Haven't you ever had a heart?"

"A killer does not need a heart, they do not need love. It is your fault that we have a child to be arguing over!"

"This is just like when you kicked me out of the hospital." Your father replies bitterly.

"This time I am strong enough to kill you. Come on my child, stand behind me!"


You must choose a side, your mother, who you've known all your life? (Advance to Part 5)

Or, your father? A kind man who just wants to protect the innocent monsters. (Move toPart 6)

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