Part 4 - This is alright

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"Hey, is it alright if you just leave me alone for right now?" You suggest to the monsters from under the bed. They look to each other and nod in agreement then crawl back under your bed. It is an odd sensation, but you lay back down and fall asleep for the rest of the night.

The sun peeks though your curtains in the morning. You wake up and peer under the bed to see if you can see the monsters. But, they are not present. You get mostly ready for the day before heading downstairs. You are lead by your nose to the kitchen where your father is preparing apple pancakes for breakfast.

You casually just chat with him until you are both seated with food in front of you. "So..." You open thoughtfully. "I thought I saw monsters under my bed."

"You probably did," he responds, stopping his fork from entering his mouth. "I keep some here in the house with me."

"Oh, really?" And what are they for?"

"They are mostly useless for the things that you and I deem important. But they have small magical bailies that just help in little, unnoticeable ways. I do my best to protect them from mindless individuals who seek to kill them," Your father explains.

"So... You... Protect monsters?"

"Yes. But I am not requiring you to believe me or to understand my ways. I only ask that you do not harm them, for I do not want to have to lose this bond we are tying."

Silence falls between the two of you before you push away half of your breakfast and stand. "I need some time to think," You declare before returning to the room that he had given you. You start by checking again for the monsters. They aren't there so you take the liberty to lay down on the bed, studying the ceiling.

What the monsters had said lined up almost perfectly with what your father had explained; father protected them from ones who wanted to kill them. Ones like your mother...? It is not easy to believe that a woman like her would want to kill such innocent creatures. 

Even so, you still have the rest of the day to stay with your father.


And now the choice is yours. Where do you seek more information? Will you just let this slide?

Stay with your father for the rest of the day. (Skip to Part 10)

Insist on going home, you want to talk to your mother about this. (Advance to part 11)

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