Part 2 - What do you want?

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Almost hyperventilating with fear, you stand with your hand still on the light and a dozen monsters staring at you!

"No understanding."

"The daughter of good and evil."

"Mixed blood."

Fear bites at your throat but you manage to croak, "What?"


"We are not seen by all."

"We are not loved by all."

The way that they all talk among themselves is awkward but you press on, "How?"

"Ancient people."

"Mostly forgotten."

"Killers and protectors."

"That doesn't make any since!" You insist stubbornly.

"Father of gold."

"Mother of shadow."

"Child of choice."

Wait a second... "You know my mother?"

"We know her ways."

"She wants us all dead."

"A broken relationship."

"And my father, why do you live in his house?" You press on.

"He protects us."

"A good man."

"Golden heart."

So, these creatures... My father protects them from bad people... Probably ones who want to kill them... Like my mother... 


And now it's your turn! These creatures are strange, and your mother has never been around any of these strange creatures... Right?

Do you believe them? Will you just go back to bed? (Advance to part 4)

Or will you go to your father, insisting to go home? (Continue to Part 3)

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