Part 6 - Protect the innocent

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You turn your back on the one person who has raised you, helped you for all of your life. You side with your father, the man who you have never known. Looking back at your mother, anger blazes in her eyes.

"I will give you one more chance to get yourself over here," Mother warns.

You stand your ground, "No," You insist, "Killing those who are innocent will never give you the satisfaction that you seek! No one can be two parts of one whole and be in both sides. I will protect the monsters, from witches like you!"

She growls and runs forward, a knife in hand. You hesitate, and your father jumps in front of you. He takes on a hit from your mother, and you cry out. "Run!" He tosses the keys at you. You throw yourself at the door and run outside, not daring to look back as tears well in your eyes. He's dead, he's dead and it's your own mother who killed him!

You're just about to march back inside when your father frantically runs outside. You snap the drivers door shut again and the moment he's within the vehicle, you step on it. He's still closing the door when you pull out of the driveway, and your mother runs out in attempt to get to you. The headlights turn away and you drive away just quick enough to escape her.

The two of you drive away far enough that you know she is no longer behind you, and switch places. Your father takes the wheel and asks, "Back to my place?"

"I never want to see her again," You reply simply.


Your father drives you home and it takes a while for his wound to heal. She had slashed his skin, but nothing more. He explains that he was able to throw her aside, knowing that he still had a chance to be able to save you.

[i](Advance to part 9)

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