*Wot* pt 6

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2 days later
I walked around my flat anxiously waiting for Gerard at 2:59pm. Should I call him? No I'd seem like a weirdo. Should I tell him I like him?No, too soon. I looked out the window and he wasn't there. Maybe he finally noticed he's wasting time on his friendship with me? That's more likely. I sat down on the piece of shit couch and started crying. Gerard would never like me back, not even as a friend! God, I'm such an idiot! Why did I ever think I even had a slight chance! By this point I was sobbing so loudly the neighbors probably heard me. I heard the door open and sat up. Damnit! I left it open when I peaked my head out looking for Gerard!
"Y/N?! Are you ok?!?" Gerard asked me once he saw me crying. "I heard you sobbing from down the hall!" Gerard exclaimed
"I-I-I'm f-fine I g-guess." I said wiping my tears.
"No Y/N, your not ok,tell me what happened.Please." Gerard said calmly
"Please Gee, I don't wanna talk about it right now, maybe soon, just please, not now." I said
"Okay Y/N, but you'll have to tell me eventually." Gerard said
"Okay, just one minute, I look dead."
I said getting up to fix my eyeliner and mascara and wiping my face cause I'm a really ugly crier. We walked out the door and there was comfortable silence in the elevator. Once we got into Gerard's car we spoke a little for the first time in about 10 minutes.
"Do you have any siblings?" Gerard asked
"Random question, but yea, I have one brother, he's two years older than me and his name is Oliver or Oli for short. He's in a band called Bring Me The Horizon." I answered
"That's cool! Ive heard some of their songs, more hard rock then our songs tho." Gerard said with a laugh "As you know, I have my one brother Mikey" Gerard said.
By the time we were finally done with our conversation that kept switching topics we were already in the parking lot. We walked in and found the recording room. I left quickly after saying hello to the other people in our recording room so that I could use the restroom. Once I got back the security guy outside of our room's wing wouldn't let me in. I asked him why and he said
"I don't like you because your Gerard Way's Girlfriend." He said
"Wait what?! What made you think that I'm his girlfriend?" I asked
"When you walked in he was holding your hand and you were blushing like crazy!" The guard exclaimed. When I thought about it, when me and G came in he was holding my hand and could tell I was kinda anxious so he squeezed my hand and I blushed.
"Yea, but we're not dating! Let me the Fuck through!" I yelled at him "maybe I do like him a little, but we're certainly not dating! If your jealous you don't have to hate me!" At this point me and the guard were full on screaming at each other. I'm pretty sure everyone heard us, by the time Gerard and Mikey came out with Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low I was hysterically crying. Mikey tried to calm me down while Alex and Gerard scolded the guy. Mikey pulled me aside.
"I heard you say you like Gerard..." Mikey said
"Shit" I muttered
"It's alright, I won't tell him. Just so that you know you were screaming about it." Mikey said keeping a straight face the whole time. We went back and apparently the guard had already gotten fired.
"How in the hell did Alex Gaskarth get here!?" I asked
"I was in the room next to MCR and I'm pretty sure everyone heard you, sounded like it was about to turn into a fist fight." Alex replied with a laugh.
"You are like, my version of Jesus." I said to Alex. As soon as I realized what I had said, my hands flew back up to my mouth.

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