Chapter 2: the one where crazy ideas are born

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As I arrive at school, mentally cursing my existence already when the school's sign is visible, I'm greeted with a happy Jimmy. Jimmy, whom I've known since fourth grade, is somewhat of a weird person. Nonetheless, he's one of my best friends. His pink hair, styled in a mohawk that day, certainly didn't improve his already unsteady reputation, and neither did the way he dressed. The tall boy was wearing a long black shirt with holes and grey ripped jeans. His battered Converse were covered with something I hoped was paint. And today, he was also wearing a huge smile, exposing his one gold tooth.

I stared at Jimmy's glowing face and thought through all the things he could surprise me with. I turned around and stole a glance at Kitty, my other best friend. She was sweet, though could be aggressive before a cup of coffee. She shrugged, not knowing what Jimmy was up to. I turned back to Jimmy who took me by the hand and started pulling me towards the cafeteria of the public high school.

"Jimmy, what the hell are you doing?" I asked Jimmy while trying to get him to let go of my arm. Jimmy just looked at me and tightened his grip and fastened his pace. I decided to go along with it and motioned for Kitty to follow us. She did and soon we were running down the hallways of the school. We took a sharp left and that's when I saw my surprise. The moment we took the turn, I saw it. Actually, I saw him. It was Steve. Steve, my best friend. Steve, the sane one who got drunk fast at parties. Steve, who had been gone for the whole first semester to 'find himself' as he had put it. He was back. I had missed him so. Once Jimmy noticed that I had seen Steve's back, he let go of my arm and let me run up to Steve and jump on him. I wrapped my arms and legs around his shoulders and his waist. He almost fell back from the impact of my jump.

"Shit! Who is it jumping on my back like a crazy bitch?" Steve uttered. I put my hands on his eyes and made my voice higher.

"It's just me, your dear mother," I chirped into Steve's ear. The second he recognised my voice, he let out a happy chuckle and jumped abruptly so that I fell to the ground with a thump. As I sat on the ground rubbing my tailbone Steve offered me his hand and helped me up. The minute I was on my feet, he grabbed me into one of his bear hugs. I hugged him back as hard as I could. After many bone crushing minutes of hugging, Steve pulled me away from his chest and looked at me.

"Look at you L.L. Bean! You've grown! Just last year you were a little bug and now look at you, climbing on your friend's back," Steve laughed at his own joke. I giggled.

"How was your little trip?" I politely asked.

"Good. Actually, great. I met lots of new people and slowly found myself through many drunken nights at bars."

"Oh god, Steve. How many strangers' couches did you sleep on?"

"Let's not talk about that. Instead let's talk about the people who dragged me onto their couches."

"Well, go on then, I'm here to listen," I folded my arms in front of my body and shifted my weight onto my left hip. Steve launched into a detailed description of all the people he met on his journey. I listened and after a while, I zoned out while Steve talked. I heard small parts of his story, but in reality I was focused on the length of his beard. Something Steve said caught my attention and I focused on his voice.

"... so I thouhgt maybe we could also start a band! You, me, Jimmy and Kitty? These guys really inspired me! They'd been together for maybe, I don't know, four months and they already sounded pretty fucking amazing, you know? We could try. You know how to play the bass, I can play a bit of guitar, Kitty could, I don't know, drums maybe, and Jimmy's got quite the voice, eh? So what do you think?" Steve concluded. I looked up at his face. He was truly serious about us starting a band.

"Steve, you're not kidding are you?" I asked cautiously. Steve shook his head.

"I mean, it does sound quite crazy... I don't mean to hurt you but look, yes, Jimmy can sing, and yes, I'm somewhat capable of playing notes on the bass, but in reality, you've had five months of guitar playing and I don't think Kitty's ever even touched a drum set. It's not a great foundation for a band. I'm sorry to crush your dreams Steve but I don't think it's going to work," I told Steve. He looked at me and I could see hurt in his eyes. I was about to open my mouth to say something else but Steve was faster,

"Look, I know it sounds crazy and stupid but hey, let's give it a chance. You're always whining about being bored and not having a meaning in this world. This is your chance Lindsey. You can make a difference. Let's meet in my garage tomorrow after school, bring your bass, I'll tell Jimmy, you tell Kitty. It's going to be great!" Steve said and before I had a chance to argue with it, he had pressed me into his chest again and then sprinted into the cafeteria to find Jimmy. I sighed. It did sound crazy and stupid but there was somehting exciting about it. To think that we could start a band... Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea...


Thanks for reading! By the way, I'm kind of adjusting the facts about MSI and MCR to fit it into the story. Sorry MCR hasn't appeared yet but just wait... ;) Anyway, thanks for reading and feel free to comment etc.!

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