Chapter 3: the one where dreams aren't far from reality

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Thanks for reading! I'm going to try to make this chapter a bit longer than the previous ones. Also, I'm updating quite frequently because I'm on winter break from school and I've got a lot of time in my hands. Enjoy!


I walked towards my locker and thought about Steve's idea. The band could possibly work. I know Jimmy was good at singing and Steve had a passion for the guitar. Kitty on the other hand, seemed like she belonged behind the drum set, she just didn't know it yet. I started imagining the girl behind the drums and suddenly it made sense. As I started to think of the idea more, it seemed like a good one. I decided it was time to tell Kitty so I ran off to find her. After a long search, I found her in her history class, copying down notes from the chalk board. No one else was in the room, not even the teacher. I opened the door and Kitty looked up at me.

"Oh hey! I'm just finishing up. We have a test coming up and you know how I suck at history so I wanted some extra study material. Whats up, you look excited," Kitty chattered.

"Okay listen, this is gonna sound crazy and when I heard it I thought it was the stupidest thing but you know how I stayed to talk to Steve after you left? Right, so apparently Steve had met someone on his trip, who had started a band and now he wants us to start one. He says I could play bass, Jimmy could sing, he could play the guitar and he thought maybe you could play the drums."

"Lyn, that's crazy! I've never played the drums!"

"I know, but I could totally imagine you behind the drum set, banging away. Have you ever thought about it?" Kitty thought about it.

"I have thought about it... I don't own a set though," She looked at me.

"Steve wanted to meet in his garage tomorrow after school and start immediately," I told Kitty.

"Oh Lyn, I don't know. It's going to take more than an hour for me to learn to play."

"So you're saying you're willing to try?" I screeched. Kitty just smiled, gave me a small nod and went back to copying her notes. I let out a small squeal of delight.

"Oh Kits, you're the best! Consider the band our 'welcome back' present for Steve," I shouted as I stormed out of the room to tell Steve the good news.


"Yo Stevie Wonder!" I screamed and waved from the mass of people trying to catch Steve's attention. I finally did and he made his way to me.

"How's life? Did you talk to Kitty yet?"

"I did, actually, and she said she's willing to try! What about JIm?"

"Jimmy said, and I quote, 'If it doesn't sound like magic the first time, I'm out'." I laughed, because that sounded exactly like something JImmy would say.

"So tomorrow, in your garage, after school, am I right?"

"You got it girl," Steve said and gave me a high five before making his way to his next class.


I glanced at the clock for what seemed like the millionth time in the past hour. Last period of the day and after this I was free and on my way to our first band practice.

Once the bell rang to mark the end of school, I didn't hesitate and grabbed my bag. I ran to the door and grabbed Kitty by the hand on my way.

"Hey! My locker's still open!" She protested.

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