Chapter 4: Tornado

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Hey guys! I've started to pick up a couple more reads, and I'm really happy, even though the most views I've gotten is 9, but it's a start! I hope you guys like this story and I'm starting to get to the main point and I'll try to make the chapters a bit longer... :) Just stick with me and thanks for reading!


My heart starts beating faster as I step into the amost too perfect mall. Everything inside the big, white building seems unreal and fake, and there's something there that I don't like. It's just simply... too perfect. Ignoring the neatly arranged windows of the tens of stores I pass, I make my way to the food court where we were scheduled to meet. My pace quickens as I pass more stores and tired employees cleaning the dirty floors. After passing three food samples and many perfume smelling stores, I arrive at the food court where I spot my friends. Jimmy is stuffing a sandwich in his face while Steve and Kitty are arguing about something. Kitty's back is facing me, so Steve who is standing opposite of Kitty sees me first. He taps Kitty on her shouder and points at me. I give them a small wave. As Kitty starts jogging towards me I see Steve slapping Jimmy and Jimmy flipping Steve the finger. I smile and watch them abandon their seats and walk towards me.
"Oh my gosh, Lyn, are you okay?" Kitty aks and hugs me with full force. I hug her back.
"I'm fine," I answer weakly. I give the boys high-fives and get pulled into a tight group hug. After I'm released everyone eyes me suspiciously. I stare back at them and raise my eyebrows.
"So... What's happening? What are we doing?" I ask.
"Oh sorry! Uh, well, Kitty and I really have as much information as you do, we left the planning up to Steve," Jimmy answers and at the mention of Steve's name, slaps him. Steve rubs his cheek as the rest of us wait for his answer.
"Yeah, so I thought we could maybe take a quick trip to New Jersey," Steve confidently smiles.
"What's in New Jersey?" I ask
"Okay, so remember how I mentioned the guys who I met on my trip? These guys live in New Jersey and they said we could come visit any time. They'd like to meet you guys, I told them a lot about all of you. We could go, we basically have an invitation already." Steve's words hang in the air as we think about it. I look over at Kitty who shakes her head in doubt. I mimim her and shake my head microscopically. From the corner of my eye I see Jimmy pretending to shoot himself. We all look back at Steve who looks excited. I weigh my options. If we stay in Brooklyn, my mother will eventually step out of the house and find me. Then again, if something happens, Brooklyn's neighborhoods provide perfect hiding places and fast and handy escapes. If we go to New Jersey, who knows what could happen to us. We don't know anyone from New Jersey and the only thing we rely on, are five guys from the middle of a neighboring state whom only one of us has ever met. However, New Jersey does seem appealing.. And we're already out of school, we don't really have anything to lose. I see the others are also thinking and Jimmy has started biting his nails, a sign that he's thinking.
"Guys, I think we have our decision," The others looked at me and I eplained to them what I thought. Steve started nodding slowly.
"As unprepared as you guys think I am, I have this all planned out. It's a rough neighborhood, I have a couple of knives in the car, not that we'll need them and I've planned the route out. The drive is about an hour. There's snacks and water in the car too," Steve confirmed. We all looked at eachother and burst into nervous laughter at the mention of the Swiss army knives in the car. Steve looked dead serious though, and I started doubting my decision but didn't let it show.
"Well then. Let's do this. I call shotgun!" Kitty screamed and started running towards the doors. We all followed Kitty laughing like maniacs at the thought of our crazy idea.


"Yo Lindsey! Wake up, we're here!" The next thing I know, Jimmy is shaking me. I'm half lying, half sitting in the backseat of Steve's car. I look around. The negihoborhood we're in is, in fact, rough. The buildings around us are made of beige brick and look like they could fall apart any minute. I can't see any other people apart from us. In the distance, I can hear a dog barking and someone screaming at it. The sky is bright and the day is beautiful but the neighborhood seems dead. Kitty and Steve are standing outside the car and looking around. I can sense Kitty's nervousness from the way she stands with her arms crossed and her back slightly arched. Steve seems normal but he's idgeting with the cigarette in his hand. I push the door open and get out. The air outside is crisp and smells like smoke. I circle the car, making sure no damage has been done. The car is fine and I walk to Kitty and Steve. I don't say anything, just put my hand out and Steve slaps a cigarette onto my open palm. I light it and take a few deep breaths. The cigarette calms me and soon I don't feel as nervous, just fidgety. Steve opens his jacket and takes out a piece of paper with an address scribbled onto it. He has to look at the piece of paper from many angles until he can make sense of it.
"Sorry, I was drunk when I wrote the address down so my handwriting wasn't too grest," Steve apologizes and squints at the sun. Once Jimmy has finsihed his cigarette and Kitty and I are done taming our hair, we follow Steve's lead to an old house. It's in a bit better shape than the rest of the houses in this neighborhood, but doesn't compare to Brooklyn's artistically old buildings made of neat red brick. As we arrive to the gate of the house, we look at each other and make sure we have our knives, just in case. My knife is tucked into the waistband of my jeans, Kitty has hers in her shoe, Jimmy's knife is in his backpack and Steve simply put his knife into the pocket of his jeans. We share a final look at each other and open the gate. The door to the house is green. The paint is chipped but looks fairly neat. Steve is the brave one and knocks on the door. We hear a coupe of screams and shouts from inside the house and look at each other worriedly.
"Guys, it's okay," Steve calms us and turns back to the door. We wait for a minute and finally the door opens. I look down and the first thing I see are worn out Adidas sneakers. I move my eyes up and see a pair of jeans. So far, so good. The person opening the door is wearing an Iron Maiden shirt, points for him. His arms are covered in colorful tattoos. I continue shifting my gaze up and meet his face. His eyes are dark and his hair is short and jet black. He has a scorpion tattoo on the side of his neck. As I focus on his face, I notice he has a lip piercing. As I look at him more, I notice this particular male is still a boy, maybe my age. He's grinning widey.
"Hey! You're Steve right? I remember you! Aaaaand these mustbe your friends..." the boy gestures towards us and takes a step forward. He pats Steve's shoulder and then after a second of hesitation, hugs him hard. He's quite short, shorter than me.
"My name is Frank, Frank Iero and this is not my house," the boy gestures towards the house behind him and waits.
"Oh right, sorry. So as you know, I'm Steve, that's my buddy Jimmy, the girls are Kitty on the left and Lindsey on the right," Steve introduces us, pointing at us as he mentions our names. As he gets to my name I give a small wave. Franknods approvingly and hugs us all. I'm taken by surprise as we just met him but hug him back. His hugs are tight and he seems energetic.
"Okey dokey, now we know each other and I can take you inside," Frank practically screams and takes Steve by the hand as he leads him into the house. Steve shoots us a glance and we follow him. The inside of the house is quite cozy but has a certain element of shabbyness to it. Frank leads us to what we assume is the basement of the house, chattering the whole way there. I don't hear a word he's saying, I'm concentrating on the paintings hung all over the house. They are all diffeent shades of balck and grey with hints of red here and there. The only word I can find to describe them is beautiful. They drawings are all accurate and perfectly portrayed. The people on the pictures are detailed and have the most amazing outfits. I wish I could take one to my room. After a long flight of stairs, we arrive in the basement of the house which looks like soemone's room. There is an unmade bed in the corner and yet again, the walls are covered in beautiful drawings and band posters. There is a desk in the room and the only source of natural light is a small window above the desk.There are lamps in the room but the light they provide is dim. After I've looked at my surroundings, I notice the toher people in the room. Besides me, Kitty, Jimmy, Steve and an excited looking Frank, there are four other people in the room. They're all boys. Around my age, a bit older, a bit younger. There's one blonde head, one afro, one fair head and a black head. The blonde headed boy is sitting on the unmade bed. He's drumming his fingers against his thighs. He has piercing blue eyes and a lip piercing like Frank. He looks grim but a small smile is lingering on his mouth. I follow blonde-boy's gaze to the guy with the afro. His hair is big. He has big lips and he is sitting on a chair in front of the desk. The fair headed boy sits on the floor, his legs folded underneath him. Even though he is sitting, I can tell he is tall. He wears glasses and his bangs hang on his forehead. He is wearing a band shirt and holding a bass, which makes me immediately appreciate the guy. The last person in the room is standing and leaning on a wall. He has black hair that hangs in his eyes. He's normal height with balck pants and a The Used shirt. He's wearing black Doc Martens. I'm about to look away from him but stop as he lifts his head. I stop. He has gorgeous hazel eyes that have a bit of green. His nose is pointy and his lips are full. His head turns to look at Frank and then goes back down to look at the ground. My heart beats faster. This guy is breath takingly beautiful. I'm not known to fall fast but I'm having a bit of a crush on this guy.
"Welcome to our humble home you guys,"Frank smiles and spreads his arms to welcome us.
"That boy over there is Bob," He gestures to the blonde guy who gives us a small wave, "That 'fro guy is Ray, and the tall slinky on the floor is Mikey. The emo in the corner is Gerard," Frank introduces the boys to us. Each of the guys give a wave or a 'hey' when their name is said except Gerard. He just looks up and returns to his original position when he hears his name. I stare at him intently. I wonder why he is not saying anything.
"And the others, this big guy is Steve, that's Jimmy, the pigtail girl is Lindsey and the other girl is Kitty," Frank concludes the introductions and waits for something. We all stand there quietly until Steve breaks the silence,
"Hey, is anyone else hungry? I could order pizza," Steve immediately takes the lead. We all agree with him and Frank gets out his phone. Bob and Mikey follow Frank to the hallway to place the order. JImmy follows them to inform them about his aversion to pepperoni. The only people left in the room are me, Kitty, Ray, Steve and Gerard. We all stand there awkwardly until Ray walks over to Kitty, Steve and me.
"Hey sorry about Gerard. He's kind of like that, quiet and unsure. Just... don't mind him. It's great to me..." Ray's sentence is interrupted my someone's voice.
"You know Ray, I'm still here," The person talking is Gerard. His voice is surprisingly high. We all turn to him. He has pushed himself away from the wall and is looking right at Ray. Ray shifts uncomfortably. Gerard just stares at him intently and brushes the hair away from his face. I tighten my hair and straighten my clothes, suddenly conscious of my appearance. Gerard takes two steps over to us and sticks his hand out at Steve. Steve takes his hand.
"I remember you. Hope you're not as drunk now," Steve says. Gerard gives a small chuckle as he moves to Kitty to shake her hand. Kitty takes his hand and repeats her name. Gerard tells Kitty his name again and Kitty nods politely. Gerard then moves to me. I take his hand. It's warm. I shake it and he look into my eyes. I panic.
"Your name's Jared, right?" I ask him and immediately realize my mistake. I can feel my cheeks reddening, "Sorry, I'm not great at names." I mutter. Gerard gives off anotehr small laugh.
"Guess that makes two of us. Nice to meet you Lisa," Gerard says and winks at me. I realize he messed up my name on purpose and I laugh. Gerard turns and walks back to his wall.


Hope you guys liked it! I know it was a bit of a cliché because it was about meeting Gerard but hope you still enjoyed it!! Thanks for reading, feel free to comment!

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