Chapter 5: The Kids From Yesterday

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Hey y'all! I'm back! I'm sorry it's taken so incredibly long, I just had so many things going on, including basketball games and practices, finals week and just... I'm back now though, and here is chapter 6!

I started at Gerard, hoping he wouldn't notice me eyeing me. He was sitting, leaning against the wall and was currently inspecting some comic book. I didn't how to feel about what was happening inside me. I found something about Gerard attractive, but I didn't want to. That's the way it was with me and boys; I wanted to like them and date them, but I was too scared of heart break to actually allow myself to do so. My head messed with my feelings so much, it prevented me from focusing on what was really important, my gut.
"Pizza's coming in 15 minutes guys!" Frank appeared from the hallway and announced with a grin. I nodded and so did Kitty. Quickly, Jimmy, Mikey and Bob entered the room with Steve following them.
"This is a nice house," Steve told Frank.
"It's Gerard's and Mikey's but we all practically live here. Donna lets us stay all the time," Frank informs Steve. Steve nods. An awkward silence fills the room.
"Sooo... What made you guys visit now?" Frank breaks the silence. Kitty looks at me worriedly.
"I uh... Had the urge to not go to school today so I called up these three and then Steve had the idea of bringing us for a visit. Why aren't you in school?" I answered. After my question, I see Mikey shoot Gerard a glance from across the room.
"As I said, we basically live here, so if one of us doesn't go to school, the rest don't. Now don't get me wrong, were all fairly good students and we don't skip a lot, but Gerard decided we shouldn't go today so we didn't," Frank concludes. Everyones gaze shifts to Gerard. He looks up with those hazel eyes of his.
"Headache," he shortly answers. Mikey gives him a stern look again but Gerard pretends not to notice. I notice dark circles around his eyes. He looks tired.
We get to know each other a bit more while waiting for the pizza to arrive. I learn the boys call themselves My Chemical Romance, name courtesy of Mikey, who turns out to be Gerard's brother. Apparently they've played a few very small shows in pubs around New Jersey. Ray's real name is Raymond, Frank has a weak immune system, Bob doesn't like cameras, Mikey loves unicorns and Gerard is scared of needles. The boys learn the purpose of Steve's trip, the reason behind Jimmy's crazy hair, Kitty's favorite bands and I tell them about my mother. The whole conversation, previously lighthearted, turned into a serious one as soon as I told everyone about my drunk mother.
"Wow. I'm sorry. I can kind of relate, my mom doesn't approve of anything I do and because of that she treats me like shit and when she drinks, she's not someone you'd want to be around" Frank tells us.
"Same thing with my mom. you should've seen her reaction when she found out I have a tattoo," I voice. The room fills with nervous laughter. Suddenly the door bell rings.
"Pizza time!" Ray screams and runs to the door. The rest of us stay in the room, snickering at Ray's enthusiastic reaction to food. In a minute, Ray returns with two big boxes balanced on his arms.
"Mikey, can you help me?" He asks and Mikey scurries over and takes one of the boxes. He sets it on the ground and opens it. The smell of hot pizza fills the room and we all scoot closer to the box. We watch as Ray opens the second box, revealing another perfect disk of the cheesy treat.
"Dig in!" He tells and we all grab a slice with our hands.
"Oh man, this is good!" Jimmy mumbles through a mouthful of pizza. Kitty and I nod in agreement. Ray is sitting on the bed now, humming to some tune. Mikey is sitting cross-legged in the floor, talking to Bon quietly. Bob laughs at something Mikey says and Mikey pushes his glasses up his nose with a small smile. Frank is talking to Steve, moving his hands and illustrating whatever he's saying. Steve looks genuinely interested in Frank's story. Gerard is sitting alone near the wall, nibbling at his slice of pizza. As a generally social person, I feel bad for Gerard sitting alone so I excuse myself from Kitty and move next to him. He looks up at me and gives me a small smile as I sit down.
"Hey," I greet. He brushes his hair to the side so that it's not covering his eyes.
"Hey," he says back. There's no denying it, he's cute in a new way. The previous people I'd been interested in, had been typical jocks with muscles and floppy hair. This boy was different though. He was not muscular or incredibly jokey, but he did like The Used and he had gorgeous eyes.
"What do you do for the band?" I ask Gerard. He looks down.
"I do lead vocals," he says.
"Cool. Are you guys good?" I ask, taking a bite of my slice of pizza.
"I mean, I don't know. We're decent," he says. He shrugs simply and bites his pizza.
"I bet you guys are awesome. You know, we started a band. Me, Kitty, Steve and Jimmy. We had our first practice yesterday," I open up. The band seems more like a real idea now that I say it out loud.
"Yeah? Well, maybe you can play something for us," Gerard suggests. There's a glint of something in his eyes. Amusement, perhaps? I blush.
"I don't know. We're pretty bad," I tell Gerard and wrinkle my nose. He giggles. I can't describe his laugh. It makes my heart flutter, nonetheless.
"I don't believe that," he says. Amusement, that's definitely the glint in his eyes. He's mocking us.
"Hey, don't make fun of us! We just started," I defend myself and slap his arm lightly. He laughs again and lifts his arms up in mock surrender.
"Alright, alright!" He says and keeps his hands up. I laugh. He smiles for the first time, a real smile, and I have to say, it suits him.
"Seriously though, I'd like to hear you play," he says seriously. I brush some hair behind my ear and squint my eyes.
"Let's see. Do you have a big venue, a bar and a huge crowd of fans?" I ask jokingly. He thinks for a few seconds and then mocks a disappointed face.
"I guess we won't hear Lindsey's band perform then," he pouts. I giggle.
"I guess not," I tell him. We stay silent for a few seconds, looking at the others. Kitty and Frank have fallen into easy conversation about something and Jimmy is talking to Mikey. Steve, Ray and Bob are sitting in a circle, discussing something with serious expressions.
"I'm sorry about the beginning. I may come off as a grumpy person but I'm not actually half bad," Gerard breaks the silence. I look at him. He's examining his nails.
"That's alright. I can already tell you're not half bad," I tell him and wink as he looks up. He grins slightly and suddenly gets up. He's wearing tight skinny jeans, almost tighter than Kitty. His Doc Martens are very worn out but I don't mind.
"How 'bout we show the guests what we can do!" He announces and Bob, Mikey, Ray and Frank look at each other, probably wondering what caused the energy in Gerard. Frank shrugs and the boys run off to get their instruments. They soon return, Frank with a guitar, Ray with a guitar, Mikey with his bass and Bob with a few pans and pots.
"Gerard and Mikey haven't got a drum set, so I'm stuck with these for now," Bob grumbles as he sets up the pots and pans in some random order. Kitty and I laugh and watch as Ray, Frank and Mikey tune their instruments. While they're doing that, Bob tests out his makeshift drum set and Gerard positions himself in between Ray and Frank. Soon, the string instruments are tuned and Gerard looks at his band.
"Which one first?" He asks. Frank immediately starts jumping up and down.
"Demolition Lovers!" He hollers. Gerard looks at Ray, Mikey and Bob. They all shrug and Gerard turns back around.
"Okay then. This song is called Demolition Lovers." he announces and let's the instruments begin the song. I am immediately impressed. The four boys show amazing talent and handle their instruments like pros. Especially Frank seems to enjoy performing. Then Gerard starts singing.
"Hand in mine, into your icy blues. And then I'd say to you we can take the highway.." Gerard's voice was something magical. It was so pure and raw. He expressed emotion so well while singing. Every single syllable he let out of his mouth had a meaning and a place. The way you fall in love with a song, I fell in love with Gerard's voice. He wasn't trying to achieve a certain type of sound when signing but instead, he just let the music flow and the singing became clear and unique, giving singing a whole new meaning for me. Gerard was amazing, but his band wasn't any less amazing. Every single note the guitars strummed, every single sound the bass made, every single bang the drums let out, fit together and worked perfectly with Gerard's voice. The whole things was so well organized and I couldn't help but feel jealous of the connection the boys had made with each other and their instruments. it was simply incredible.
"I'll meet your eyes, I mean this forever" Gerard ended the song and closed his eyes while he waited for Frank, Ray, Mikey and Bob to let the final chords vibrate in the air. The second the room was silent, Kitty, Steve, Jimmy and I erupted into applause. Gerard opened his eyes and the musicians stood still, trying to catch their breath.
"That was fucking magic!" Jimmy screamed.
"You guys said you aren't good! That's not fair, you could be playing big venues right now," Steve points out.
"Steve's right, you guys could play so big," Kitty agrees.
"I don't know how you did that," I simply say and earn a coy smile from the band.
"Well, we went, now it's your turn to show us what you've got," Mikey announces as he hands his bass to me. I look at my friends and we all burst into nervous laughter.
"You guys, we suck compared to you! Honestly, you were a 10 and we are maybe a two!" Kitty exclaims. I nod along but the guys shrug.
"We don't really care. Just have fun!" Frank instructs. I look at Kitty. She rolls her eyes, shrugs and steps over to Bob's makeshift drums, taking the sticks from him on the way. I sigh and accept Mikey's bass. Steve takes Franks guitar and Jimmy positions himself where Gerard was standing.
"We really suck but here we go then. I don't even know what this song is called but Steve wrote it so let's just call it The Steve Song," Jimmy announces and makes the boys of MCR laugh. Slowly, then a bit faster, we kick in to the song. We're not as bad as I thought we were. Obviously, we're nothing compared to MCR, but we don't sound as bad as we did the day before. Kitty is still missing half of her notes and Jimmy is a bit out of tune but it doesn't bother us. We have fun. Pretending we have a real audience, we begin performing. Jimmy thrashes around the 'stage' and Steve bends into weird positions. I can hear Kitty giggling behind her drums. To top the performance off, I perform the only trick I know, a back bend. I bend into the position while playing and the boys Oooh and aaah. The bend also reveals my tattoo, peaking from under my skirt. I laugh at Gerard's face as he sees the tattoo. Slowly, I get back up and we finish the song. As soon as we stop playing, our small audience hollers and calls for us. We even get a standing ovation. Soon enough, the applause turns into laughter and before I know it, we're all laughing on the floor.
"You guys weren't that bad," Mikey says once we've calmed down. This statement sends us into another fit of uncontrollable giggles.
"We sucked so bad!" I yell. We laugh again.
"I mean, there's potential," Bob admits while smiling. I smirk and shove him lightly.
"Serious talk for a minute, you were better than I thought you'd be. You've actually got it somewhat under control. We just need to get Kitty some lessons and Jimmy needs to hit some more right notes. Lindsey, you were great, but you can loosen up more and Steve, let the music take over. I can see this coming together," Ray encouraged. We stay silent for a moment, thinking. It was true, we weren't horrible and more importantly, we all enjoyed it. I at least had fun playing the bass, my passion.
"Thanks Ray. Guys, we should actually get going, it's getting late," Steve says and checks his watch. We groan. The day has been one of my best in a long time. I don't want it to be over so soon but I know I'd make my mother worried and mad if I didn't appear soon. In 15 minutes, we're all standing by the door.
"Thank you so much guys! This was fun," Jimmy thanks. We all take our time to say our individual good byes. I go to Mikey first. thanking him for the bass. Then I go to Ray and thank him for the advice and then to Bob and thank him for Kitty's drum set. I then go to Frank and receive a big hug as a good bye. Finally, I go to Gerard. He's standing by the door, leaning against the door frame.
"Hey. Thanks for today, it was great. I don't know if I had time to tell you, but you're a phenomenal singer, Gerard," I tell the boy. He blushes a bit.
"Thanks. I had fun too. You're not a bad bassist yourself, I think I'd break my spine if I tried doing that back bend," Gerard chuckles.
"Thanks again. I'll see you soon, hopefully," I tell him.
"If it was up to me, I'd see you tomorrow," Gerard says and smiles. I smile back and my heart flutters. I wave to him and walk to the car. I sit in the backseat with Jimmy ad wave to Gerard one final time before driving away from the best afternoon of my life.
Hey guys! Sorry again for the break, I'm back now! I hope you enjoyed that chapter. I'm sorry, it's a it short, but I wrote this on the train so... :) anyway, I hope all is well, and thanks for reading! Comments and votes are always appreciated <3

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