One ~ Carly

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Aunt, Auntie, Titi, Tia.

Whatever you want to call the sister of your mom or dad. I am Titi, Titi Carly, and I love it. I spoil and adore my nieces and nephew. They are the three most beautiful children in the world and could do no harm. Sure, I may be biased but who isn't when it comes to a loved one.

And boy do I love the shit out of those rugrats. I would love and spoil the shit out of them, then I would go home and continue my single life. For me having kids was never my end game. I have always been content with my three little buddies. I get to love them without all the hard work, basically I just get all the fun parts. I thought it would always be this way.

I got the 2 a.m. phone call. The one that interrupts your dreams and wakes you in a cold sweat from your sleep. It's the one call that can literally change and ruin your entire life in a matter of seconds.

On September 23rd, I received that dreaded phone call.


"Hello?...... Oh my god! I'll be right there!"

As soon as I hung up, I jumped out of bed, threw on a pair of leggings and shirt. All while frantically grabbing my keys and purse. Within seconds I was out the door. I was like a bat out of hell, I even stumbled on the last two steps to my apartment building. Luckily the floor was there to break my fall. Brushing my knee off, I sprinted the rest of the way towards my car. Sure my leggings were probably ripped and I could basically feel the blood stinging my freshly opened wound, but that didn't matter. Nothing did. I was having every negative feeling in the world, yet completely numb. I can't really tell you how I made it to the hospital, but somehow I did. My body was moving on autopilot but my mind had stopped. Everything was foggy and clouded like a hazy dream. No not a dream, a nightmare, a fucking nightmare and I just wanted to wake up.


"Miss...miss...please sit down. I'm terribly sorry for your lost. But I can say that they passed instantly without any pain." Somehow I manage to reply to the unlucky doctor who's been tasked with breaking my heart.


"They were driving home", he quietly replies.

"I...okay.... Oh God the kids! My nieces and nephew?" He sighs then jesters towards another hallway.

"They are in a private waiting room with the babysitter, they thankfully were not in the car with their parents." I release a deep breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

"Thank God, can I see them?", he quietly nods before beginning to escort me towards the room.

The silent walk is welcomed and I quickly lose myself in my thoughts. Why is this happening? They were good people, they didn't deserve this. Their kids don't deserve to lose their parents. Who's going to potty train Jemma, who's going to teach Maggie to read? And, who the hell is going to teach Connor how to play baseball?

The pounding in my chest quickly over takes my thoughts. Forcing me back to the present as my heart practically beats right out of my chest. I reluctantly open the door to the waiting room. There they are, my three little buddies. Confused, lost and frightened.

"Hey guys." I cautiously approached them.

"Titi!"Maggie came barreling at me as she shouted my name. Enveloping her in a hug I carried her to the couch where Connor was sitting.

"Guys I've gotta talk to you about your mom and dad." I quickly eyed the babysitter, she didn't say a word. She knew what was coming as she silently rocked Jemma in her arms. I was about to break their little hearts.

Shit...please don't hate me.... why is this happening?

I inhaled a deep breath trying to muster enough courage to tell them. "Guys....., your mom and dad were driving home tonight and got into an accident."

Connor is the first to speak, "Are they okay?" Maggie instantly starts crying, she's always been so sensitive to others. She feels everything so strongly and right now she had every right to be.

"No buddy, they are gone. They went to heaven." Maggie turns in my lap facing me, "With pop pop and nana?"

"Yes honey, I believe so." As realization hit Connor, his eyes started to water. He then thrust his little body up to grab hold of my neck and nuzzle his face into me. My composure was instantly lost. It wasn't until then that I realized I hadn't been crying the whole time. My own tears fell hard and fast. Washing away any hope of a future with my sister and brother in law. I continued to hold on to them as tight as I could, letting it all out. We cried until there was nothing left.

I honestly can't tell you how long we have been siting here crying, but the slow hallow breaths I feel coming from Maggie and Connor tells me they have cried themselves to sleep in my arms. I nod my head to the babysitter as a silent plea for help. She places Jemma in her stroller, then helps take Connor off me before I was able to lay Maggie down on the couch.

"I'm sorry you had to be the one to do that." She whispers to me.

"Me too. But someone had to." She nods in agreement and we both just watch them in silence for a few peaceful moments.

"I'm Stacy, my younger sister is their usual babysitter but she has the flu so I stepped in to help Lucy and Jim out tonight, but now I wish I hadn't. Maybe, just maybe they would have stayed home and been safe"

"No, don't do that. It's no one's fault, they would have just called me over to stay with the kids while they went out, it's their regular Friday night date night."

"I'm still so sorry, what can I do?" Bring back Lucy and Jim, obviously.

"Help me get them in the car without waking them?" She flashes me a slight smile and nod.

The ride to Lucy and Jim's house was quiet. I couldn't focus on any one thing in particular. Thankfully, Stacy followed me back to the house and helped me get them into their beds. After tucking in Jemma last, I closed the door and looked up. Her bedroom was across from my sister's room. I walked in, turned on the light and sat down at the foot of the bed while absent mindedly peering around.

I closed my eyes and pictured them. I pictured them as they were the last time I saw them. Two weeks ago, we were playing monopoly with Connor in the living room, while Maggie played with her dolls on the floor next to us.

"I wish you were here. I know it's selfish, but who am I supposed to go to for advice? Lucy, who's going to kick me in my ass when I'm being lazy? I wish you were still here. You were always an amazing big sister and I'm never going to forget you. I love you, I love you both. Jim, I'm going to miss you too. You were seriously the best brother in law a girl could have. By the way, I secretly loved your dad jokes, I just didn't want you to know. I promise, I'm going to take care of your babies, I know I'll never replace you both, but I will do everything I can to give them the lives you both wanted for them. I love you both."

I give myself a couple of moments to shed a few more tears before pulling myself together and leaving the room. Upon shutting the door, I could hear Stacy cleaning up some toys downstairs. As I enter the living room she looks up with a comforting smile.

"Thank you for helping out and staying late. How much do I owe you?" Her face genuinely looks confused and a little bit angry.

"Are you crazy?" She stopped herself for a moment to collect her thoughts, "I'm sorry, but no. I wasn't getting paid and I'm not going to be paid. Tonight was a terrible tragic night and I'm just glad I was able to help. Here's my number, I live just up the street, if you need anything, please call me. It takes a village to raise kids, and I am more than happy to help out. Now, try to get some rest, they will need you when they wake up. Good night Carly."

With that she quietly let's herself out. Plopping myself down in a chair while I stare at the door for a little while lost in my thoughts. Soon the sun's morning rays begin to peak through the curtains. It had only been a couple of hours since the phone call, and yet my world will forever be completely changed.

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