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Taehyung got distracted when his phone dinged. He didn't care to check his phone. He just ignored it. At least, he tried. After fighting his urge to look at the phone for sometime, he gave up. He took his phone in his hand and unlocked it. Then checked his texts.

His face became expressionless. He just stared at the phone's screen. He didn't know what to say. Was that suppose to be like that ? Or there is a way. Taehyung would find a way or two to stop this nonsense.

" Assistant Song " Taehyung shouted out for his assistant. The poor assistant came hurriedly in his office.

" Yes, Sir " Assistant Song was panting. He saw Taehyung's eyes were closed, leaning more to chair. Taehyung throw his phone in front of him. His assistant gulped and took the phone in his hand. Assistant Song's eyes widen. He didn't know what to say.

" I want you to take care of this mess " Taehyung commanded his assistant. Assistant immediately agreed to do so. " I don't want my wife to find this. Am I clear ?" Taehyung's eyes looked straight to his assistant's one. " Y-yes " Taehyung dismissed his assistant.

Taehyung looked at your picture on his desk. He smiled looking at your brightly smiling picture " Y/N , I hope you won't misunderstand me " 

Yuhan watched the news while sipping his coffee. His assistant looked at him. " Media already released the news , Sir. Someone told me. The actress seems to be happy about this . " Assistant Lim reported to his boss.

" Just take care that our name doesn't come to the media " Yuhan said. " It'll be taken care of, Sir " Assistant Lim said with confidence.

" We just did a little favour to that gold digger actress. Now it's time to see how Kim Taehyung is going to deal with her. "

Yuhan faced the TV. The actress was giving interview and spreading lies about her and Taehyung. She even lied about Taehyung was ready to give his wife divorce. " Such a pathetic woman " Yuhan had a disgusted expression on. What he can do ? He did feel bad for you but he was very selfish. He will take you away from Taehyung and keep you to himself. You will be his sooner or later.

Your heart dropped as you saw the headline. Kim Corporation's director also chairman Kim Namjoon's son Kim Taehyung was caught with other woman. Some sources said that he has been meeting this woman for months. News showed a picture of your husband and the lady on a dinner table laughing and eating. 2nd picture was Taehyung and the lady were holding hands. 3rd one was the worst of all. Your husband and that lady were kissing in a car.

You felt like you would vomit. Tears were pouring out of your eyeballs. Your breathing became rapid. " Fuck " You cursed. Tears were not taking a name of stopping. You felt like someone was stabbing your heart and burning in fire. Painful and burning sensation in your chest. Most of all that woman was the same woman you didn't like from the beginning. The girl, Taehyung used to date back in high school.

" Did he even love me ?" Betrayal, disappointment, sadness and rage. You were feeling mixed feeling. " Is the baby a mistake ? " You hysterically started to laugh. You broke the vase and started to scream. You wanted to destroy everything even yourself and the baby. But the baby did no wrong. It was an innocent life growing in your womb. Your hysterical laughs and screaming turned into loud whimper. You cried.

Your mother-in-law came rushing into your room. She saw you sitting on floor. She could hear your cries. Her eyes started to tear up. " Y/N, honey " She rest her hand on your shoulder. You looked up at her with your teary eyes. " Why did he do that to me, eomo-nim?" Her heart broke seeing you in these state. She hugged you tight and calm you down " Shhh calm down, dear. It's not good for the baby shhh " You buried your face on her neck.

Taehyung was worried sick. He got a call from his mom that you were not well. You were wrecked after seeing the news. He was so frustrated with all the news. He thought you would not know but he was wrong. Because of the frustration, he shouted at his assistant for not stopping the news. Now whole country knew about it.

He hurriedly got inside the house. He walked through the hallway to his room. He saw his parents and family doctor was talking. He stood few centimetre away from the doctor and his parents. " Mr. Kim, your daughter-in-law will be perfectly fine. Just take care of her mental health. In these time mental health is very important. Stress will harm her health and also the baby. " The doctor told Namjoon. Taehyung heard the doctor. " Is s-she okay ?" Taehyung asked the doctor. The doctor looked at him. " She's fine now, Taehyung. " Dr. Jung told him.

" Alright , Hoseok. Taehyung will escort you to the door " Dr. Jung bowed at Namjoon. Taehyung about to go with Dr. Jung. Namjoon called Taehyung. He turned back and faced his father. " Come to my office after escorting Dr. Jung " Namjoon left to his study room.

" Hoseok hyung, is she and the baby okay ?" Taehyung asked Hoseok. Hoseok sighed. " They are fine. But why did you do that to her ?" Hoseok asked his friend. " That was a misunderstanding. I would never cheat on Y/N. You know me " Taehyung told Hoseok. Hoseok smiled. " The only Taehyung I knew was a player " Hoseok replied. Taehyung sighed. He didn't believe him. Will Y/N believe me ? " I believe you, Taehyung. Just clear this misunderstanding. Good luck! " Hoseok patted Taehyung's back and left.

Taehyung stood in front of Namjoon. Namjoon seated on his chair like a boss he is. Namjoon's glares were digging hole in Taehyung's head. " Dad " Taehyung looked at Namjoon. " Care to explain this messed up things with you and that actress ?" Namjoon used his demanding tone. Hearing the tone, Taehyung knew his father was angry. " It was all misunderstanding, Dad " Taehyung told his father softly. " I was unaware of her intention. I will take care of this mess. " Namjoon stared at him . Then he sighed. " Y/N didn't take it lightly, Taehyung. Your wife is in mess. Clear this misunderstanding as fast as possible. It will not only effect your relationship with your wife but also effect our company's name. " Namjoon calmly told his son. " You don't have to worry about it. I'll take care of these "

Taehyung took a deep breath before entering your shared bedroom. He saw you sitting on the bed and you were resting your head onto the headboard. His mother saw him. She gave you a smile and left. Taehyung sat beside you and tried to held your hand but you retracted your hand. Taehyung sighed. " It was a misunderstanding, Y/N " Taehyung told you.

You didn't look at his face. You were afraid that you might fall for his tricks. " She was that cat who scratched your back. Isn't she ? " You faced forward not looking at him. " How many times did you sleep with that woman ? Wasn't I enough for you ? " You stared at his eyes. Tears were threatening to fall down. " Is the baby a mistake ?" Your voice broke. Taehyung immediately said no and cupped your cheeks. " I didn't sleep with her and don't you dare think that our baby is a mistake. Don't you dare. " Taehyung told you with an intimidating tone.

" I love you and only you " He rested his forehead on yours. " Just trust me. I will clear this misunderstanding. Will you trust me ? " He asked you. His voice sound so sorrowful that your heart ached. " I will trust you "


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