Attacks Pt. 1

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Hi! Again just wiped up a nice chapter to start your day. Vote and Comment pls and I guess that's it. Bye!

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Detroit Specialist Hospital, Detroit, August 21th, 06:21 EDT

"Hey! Thanks for saving my dad-" Victor says looking at the hero.

Who was in his costume.

"No worries that's what we do-" Wally scoffed.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Victor asks.

"Am no-t s...ure..." Wally stopped looking over at Artemis.

BatCave, Gotham City, August 21th, 06:21 EDT

"-Batman?" Richard called to his attention. "I heard what happened last night-"

"Who told you-"

"-Alfred?" Richard answered with a smile.

"I have finally figured out that-" Bruce sighed.



Bruce raised his hand and punched Cheetah in the chest several times and slammed her to the ground and handcuffed her.

"That was fun-" Cheetah laughs. "But next time I wouldn't be easy on you." Cheetah kissed Bruce on the cheeks and the Police sends her away.



"Chee-tah kissed you-" Richard laughs.

"-Focus, Richard!"

"So, how does this have to do with Cheetah-" Richard asks. "-And your Nightmare?" Bruce nods.

"I tested a drop of my sweat from last night, it seemed to contain a chemical substances-"

"What type of substance?" Richard sat behind Bruce.

Bruce push a lot of keys on his computer. "It had a match with one of Scarecrow's fear toxic-"

"Do you remember the mission the team did?"

"About what?" Bruce asks.

"Scarecrow tried to destroy the world's water supply." Bruce nods.

"We will question Cheetah and track down Scarecrow-"

"I agree totally?" Richard nods and lives the cave.

"Let's go!" Batman shots back.

"Where?" Richard asks putting on his mask.


"To question Cheetah?" Richard sighed.

"She will be transported to Belle Reve in minutes, let's go before she's transported."

Bruce wears his cowl and sits in his Batmoblie as Richard leaps in and his mobiles starts on and he starts to drive.

Arkham Asylum, Gotham City, August 21th, 09:48 EDT

"Hurry up! And get those remaining prisoners!" The captain yells.

"Yes! Sir."

All sort of criminals walks out the front entrance of the prison. There was four trucks outside the prison the first was all ready loaded and ready to set it's course to Louisiana prison Belle Reve Penitentiary. The Batmoblie drove into the prison as the security guards let the dark car in, the car departed as Batman and Robin stepped out. Gordon came walking as soon as he saw the dark mobile,

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