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The smoke finally cleared as the team let out a cough,

"Woah," KF sped to the missile. "This-s is...the...most...coolest....souvenir...ever..." KF sped around it taking a glance at it.

"KF get away from that thing." Aqualad orders him. "Besides, we don't know what that thing is."

"Yeah, it's my souvenir..." KF kept on sped around as the teammates yelled at him.

Jason widens his eyes as he slid down the rocky hole were the missile had crashed, Jason pulled out a core in his hand-gear and input the core true the missile's core port.

Beep! Beep!



"Sir, someone is trying to hack into the missiles mainframe..." A man said as he rolled his sit to Ultra-Humanite. "... Ready when your ready sir."

"Block him out..."


A holographic screen appeared in front of Jason's hand-gear as the screen showed "block out"

"Shit... Okay try this one." He typed in some code as a green words pulled up "Access granted" Jason smirked.

Jason clicked to the missles's container. "No...No...No..." He gasped at the word which just displayed onto the holographic screen. "Guys, we got a problem." He stared into the eyes of his new friends.


M'gann woke up in a holding chamber, "...where...w-where...whoa..." M'gann looked around to remember that she was no longer in the hall, She was some how hit by a "brain BLAST" she yelled in pain as she remembered the brain blast. It had to be Psimon, he was the only one that had a strong mind and a powerful brain blast. Besides, I did not sense it.

She had to get out of here, but she had an inhibitor collar around her neck. She sobs as she fell on her knees, "Uncle J'onn I failed you..." She sobs more and more until she cleans off her tear which roles to the side of her cheek. "HOPE." She slims her hands to the ground. "Thought all seems lost the one thing they cannot destroy is HOPE."



As he reappears in the Zeta Tube, carrying all the necessities for a day at the beach. "The Wall-man is here!" He calls out, running his flip flops. "Let's get this party star-uhn!" He's cut off as he trips on the pole of his umbrella, falling flat on his face. The beach ball going bouncing into the main room just past an angry Batman as he watches Wally skid towards them. Lifting his head he sees them dressed for a mission. "...ted." he finishes weakly.

All the other protogés look to him with knowing smiles and hold no remorse at him making a fool of himself.

"Wall-man, huh?" a new voice asks, Aqualad stepping aside so Kid Flash can see her. Decked out in green with an arrow on her chest and a bow in hand, it's pretty obvious who she's imitating. The colors accent slightly darker skin tone, brown eyes, and bright blonde hair. "I love the uniform. What exactly are your powers?"

Wally ignores her question as he steps up beside Robin and M'gann. "Uh, who's this?" he asks Kaldur, gesturing to her.



M'gann laughs remembering the flashback, it felt just like yesterday. Remembering that even made her stronger. "I remember those times that we fought off Darksied army..." M'gann sobbed at that moment.


Slo-mo Flashback

"-Thought all seems lost the one thing they cannot destroy is HOPE..." M'gann said with a bit of hope as she punched back the soldier.

"It doesn't matter how many FALL." Kid Flash sped true the battlefield remembering the ones he lost.

"As long as even one of us is willing to FIGHT." Superboy slimmed into a soldier.

"We will survive this. Never doubt and never FORGET." Robin true some birderang.

"And we can do it! TOGETHER!" Artemis jumped and fired some arrows.



"Don't forget we will always love you M'gann, don't forget that." They both hug little M'gann.

"Now your uncle is gonna take good care of you-" M'gann's father was cut off.

"How about you guys?" She demanded.

"Well, there are some things we can't leave behind. Don't worry we will catch up to you once we are done." M'gann's father gave her a big kiss.

"Don't forget this M'gann you have powers to make a big difference around you, just don't forget that we will also be in your heart..."

End of Flashback


The Dark Knight: VernoninWhere stories live. Discover now