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Wayne Manor, Gotham City, August 20th, 08:45 EDT

Light shinned through the window straight at Richard. And rolled over trying to shield myself from it.

"Master Richard." Alfred spoke out as he poked his body out.

Richard squinted into the bright light, only after to shut my eyes quickly.

"Master Richard." Alfred called once more.

He rolled over at Alfred. "Good morning, Al."

"And good morning to you Master Richard. Your bathtub is ready and breakfast is set on the dining--" Alfred leaves holding his chin.

He walked to the bathroom, he splashed water on his face before going on to the Bathtub. He washed his face and body to get the dirt off his body and grabs the towel cleaning off the water and dressing in on a nice white T-shirt and black pants. He jacked his bag and heads out of his room into the hallways.

As he got closer to the dinning hall he passed Bruce and got sited while Alfred served his food.

"Mhm! Alfred nice toast." Richard compliments. Alfred laughs a bit. "Orange or apple juice-" Alfred asked as he looked over at Richard.

"-Orange juice." Richard sat back with his hands ready to dive into the toast. Alfred served a glass of orange juice.

"Picking up at 2-" Asked Alfred.

"No. Alfred I have gymnastics class." Alfred sighed making his way out the hall.

Minutes later, Richard got up living his plate on the table and heading out the dinning hall were he made his way down the hallway. He looked out the window as he saw Bruce living the Manor he quickly moved to the garage were Alfred stood.

Alfred opens the door for him as he drops his bag and moves into the car, Alfred shoves his head as he closes the door. Alfred drove off as soon as the gates opened them.

Gotham Academy, Gotham City, August 19th, 09:39 EDT

Richard walked the halls of the school before moving to a corner were he stopped to meet Artemis and Barbara.

"Hey! Artemis." Richard smiles. "Hey! Barbara."

"Hi! Richard-" The girls both said and looked at each other. "Jinx!" They both yelled out.

And laughed before looking at Richard.

"Ready for today's test?" Richard asked looking over at the person who was waving. "Hey! Jimmy."

"I will be right back." Richard moves to the boy next to the lockers.

"Hey! Richard- ready for today's basketball match with the Wolves." Jimmy felt himself excited.

"Yeah! I'm Born ready." They both laughed.

"Okay! See you at class then." Jimmy waves and walks away.

Richard walked back to the girl's.

"Ready for today's test." Richard asks once more.

"Yep-" They both said as the school's bell interrupted.

They all walked the halls until they got to their class.

Wayne Enterprises, Gotham City, August 19th, 09:41 EDT

"Mr Wayne do you recall the weapon that was stolen from Waynetech." Lucius asks.

"Not exactly?!" Bruce kept on walking.

"It was an EMP." Bruce widen his eyes.

EMP means Electromagnetic Pulse In case u don't know.

"But don't worry we set in your codes so there is no way anyone can access it." Lucius looks at the tablet on his hand.

The halls was quiet for a moment until Lucius spoke up again.

"We need to reschedule the summit." Lucius said softly.

"Why?!" Bruce raised an eyebrow.

"The tech isn't ready for release--" Lucius looked away.

Bruce scoffed "What happened to it?"

"Meta-core wasn't stable enough but it will be put to threw soon."

"How many weeks do you need." Bruce raised his chin up.

"Weeks!?" Lucius laughs.

"We have been working on this tech since five years."

"We need two years at the highest--"

"Make it work- Lucius." Bruce walks away.

"Yes. Mr Bruce." Lucius sighed.

Bruce made a turn to the elevator moving to the upper part of the huge skyscraper as the elevator's doors sled open revealing a large door. He walked more until he placed a hand pushing it to open; a woman stood up from one of his guests chair.

Bruce was shocked "Ms Bannister."

"Mr Wayne- Good morning."

"Good morning Bannister." He walks to his chair

"Mr Wayne I have to report that you don't show up for work. WHY?"

Bruce kept quiet "Mr Wayne it's my job to sit-in for you only when you are ill or when you travel-" Bannister stops and take a deep breath. "-As I was saying Mr Wayne I can't sit-in for you randomly all the time-" She was cut off.

"I understand- i- will see to it."

"Thank you! Mr Wayne." Bannister walks out his office.

Bruce turns his chair to the glass window looking down on the city.

He had this thought for a minute. How could he be Batman and then a Billionaire playboy; he sighed and looked down on the city again.

The Dark Knight: VernoninWhere stories live. Discover now