Invasion Pt 1

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The Bioship was heading for the mother ship with a new camouflage mode, M'gann installed that newly like about months ago after the invasion from Luthor and Deathstroke.

"Why do people like to get control of Gotham?" Barbara demanded as she banged her head on the control table.

"Well, for my theory their is something they are after for, besides Gotham is the largest tech city in the United States." Richard explained as Bruce sighed silently.

"That actually makes sense, the city has the largest tech company like Wayne Enterprises, that's for starters..." Barbara groans and leans back on the bio-chair.

"Back on Mars we had three types of Martians, one was the Green Martian, who didn't like the White Martian and the last Martian were the Reach who tried to get control of Mars for many years-" M'gann said as Conner rolled his eyes and sighed.

"And your point is?" Robin looked over to Barbara who asked the question.

"-The same is happening on earth." Richard answered the question as the girls turns to his direction. "What?"

"That's what I was meaning to say-" M'gann replied as she turned back to the screen of the Bioship. "-am reading on thousands of figures approaching the Bioship."

"Sky-assault?!" Bruce yelled true his comm.

"On it!" Wally looked over as he nods his head to his squad. "Good luck." He nods once more and speds off.

"Is that..." Artemis looked up the sky as a figure landed beside them. "Shazam."

Artemis, Zatanna, Red Archer, and Terra shield themselves from the dust cloud, they let out a cough as the cloud began to clear to reveal Captain Marvel standing up.

Marvel's eyes glowed red as the squad looked at the Captain who now where's a totally different suit and now his eyes are glowing red.

The squad began to step back as more Captain Marvel's lands down. "What the Heck?" Tara spoke out.

"Hey!" Ravager jumps in with her Xerang and throws it at the Shazam's and lands a kick on one of the Shazam as the others were pushed away in a wall up ahead. "This are clones of the Justice Leaguee- AHH!" Ravager screamed as she was lifted away and threw into the team direction.

"Huh! So, this are the clones of them?" Red Archer lifts herself back up.

"Yeah," Ravager rose up as the Shazam's walks towards.

Wally sped and hit them with unexpected speed as he creates a tornado and spins them away. "Hey! Ladies need some help?"

"Really?! Now!" Artemis sighed helping her teammates up. "You were just waiting for the right moment."

"Well, that was quite an entrance." Ravager said as her eyes widens to see more of the cloned justice Leaguers head their way. "We need move quickly, they're heading this way."

"Zee? I need-" Artemis looked to see Zatanna mid-air about to cast a spell.

Terra lifts up a bolder with her Geokinesis and move towards mid-air, as she lifts more rocks and throws it at the incoming figures. Terra moves up close to a building with her bolder to shield herself from the heavy fires, Some Lantern's spot her behind the building and begins to take fire at her she up lifts a rock from the center and uses it as a shield,

"Guys! I need a little help!" Tara yelled as the Lantern's fired more and more.

"Got you covered." Aqualad jumps off a building and knocks off a Water hydrant cap, water sprays around as he reached out for his Water-bearers and divert it to the Clones of Martian Manhunter's.

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