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Leaning into her, I catch the smell of sweet sugar. She smells like cakes, and it makes my mouth water. I wonder if she tastes as good as she smells. I'm annoyed that I can't keep the thought out of my head as I try to concentrate on the situation.

Elle Cabello sent an email to us early this week requesting security for her sister. I'd never heard of her, but apparently two of the guys that work for me had, and they let me know right away they would love to take over the case. My partner, Daniel Pinkoski aka Pink, was in the dark like me. But after one of guys Googled her for us, I think Pink may have swallowed his tongue. He hasn't said a damn word since he saw her picture, and I'm beginning to wonder if he's in shock.

Seeing Elle didn't do a thing for me. I was more concerned about why she thought her sister needed security and not her. After all, Elle is the famous former model. I don't know why models have to be so skinny. Give me a big girl, thick with curves, and I'm a happy man. I want a woman with a little chunk to her. Something soft for me to cuddle against, not that I've ever cuddled a woman before. But maybe I'm just describing Camila because ever since I laid eyes on her picture, she's the only thing I've been able to see, and thoughts of her in my bed pulled at me as I ran my hands all over her.

Elle sent over a package of information including a picture of Camila. The second I saw her, I knew this case wasn't for anyone but me. Fucking gorgeous was all I could think. It took me a good ten minutes of staring at her picture before I moved on to what else was in the file. Emails and screenshots of harassing texts, several complaints filed with the police department stating her apartment had been broken into but nothing was stolen, reports detailing accounts of stalker behavior but with no other witness to give further details.

What had me worried the most was the fear I could hear in Elle's voice when she told me about what was happening. She's scared for her sister, and I don't blame her. The stalker was being more aggressive. What first looked like a little online bulling that I thought might be linked to getting information on something Camila was working on started to morph into an obsession for whoever was doing this. I've seen this before, and things like this never end well, but I'm not going to let that be the case here. I'll do whatever it takes to keep Camila safe, and from what her sister said, it's going to be a fight to get Camila on board with any plans I might have.

I was with the Dallas police department in investigations for five years before joining their SWAT team. After a drug raid one night, when I took a bullet to my knee, I was permanently off the force. I was able to get back about seventy-five percent of the use of my leg, but it wasn't enough to let me back on the team. So I started a security firm with some friends, and it's been doing great. The guys on the force send a lot of business my way, and we take on private cases when we can.

After I talked with Elle on the phone, I let her know I would personally handle the case and make sure that Camila got the full treatment. She'd get live-in bodyguard protection until we caught the stalker. I wouldn't leave her side until there was closure on the situation. It wasn't enough to make sure it went away. I needed to make sure it never happened again. For some reason, just looking at her picture made me feel protective of her. The thought of anything happening to her made my blood run cold.

Luckily, I don't have anything keeping me from staying with Camila for as long as it takes. I've always been kind of a loner. My dad skipped out on my mom and me when I was little, and my mom died two years ago from a heart attack. She drank like a fish and smoked like a chimney, but it was fast when she passed, thankfully. The only family I have now is my boy Pink, but he comes from a big German family that's always making him eat, and I try not to get up in his business. I know he just wants me to join in on their fun, but having never really had much of a family, I always feel awkward and don't know what to do with myself when I'm around them. It's better he just goes and does his family thing and we hang out after.

Getting into Camila's  apartment was a fucking joke. The doorman was asleep at the counter when I went by, only slightly stirring when the ding of the elevator went off. Getting into her apartment and bypassing the security was just as easy. The system isn't a bad one, but putting four zeros as your passcode isn't smart. For all this talk about this chick being a genius, she didn't seem to think that through.

"Cupcake? What does that mean?"

She doesn't flinch at my words. Instead, she tries to get closer to me. This chick looks way too innocent to be trying to pull one over on me. What's her motive, I wonder, narrowing my eyes at her.

"It means I'm here as your hired bodyguard, which also means I'm staying here. My name is Lauren Jauregui , and I'm in charge of your security." I make my words firm, brooking no argument. Her sister said it might be hard to get Camila to agree to the security, and normally I wouldn't take a case like that. I don't want to be chasing after someone who doesn't want our services, but with her, I've found myself making an exception. The need to make sure she is safe is riding me hard. I can't let someone hurt her It is clear she needs someone to watch over her and I am going to make sure that person is me. "Want to show me to your spare bedroom?"

"Aren't you going to sleep with me?" she says, tilting her head to the side, still looking up at me.

My cock got hard the second she walked in the door, but I swear to God, I just popped a button on my jeans. The damn thing is going to bust through any second if she keeps talking to me like this. Fuck, to be in her bed with her...I wonder if her sheets smell as good as she does.

Looking into her eyes, I see no seduction or hidden agenda. She genuinely thinks that I'm supposed to sleep with her. "And why would I do that?" I nearly choke out before taking a deep breath, trying to pull myself back.

"If you're here to protect me, day and night, the closest place to do that is by my side. You could show me your scars then."

She looks down my cheek and over my body unapologetically, and I'm once again stunned by her bold talk. What the fuck? How has this curvy goddess not got a ring on her finger? Following her forward lead, I go for it.

"Why aren't you married?"

"I've never found anyone I wanted to test intercourse with." Her words are simple and to the point. Almost like I should just know this.

Someone could come in and knock me over with a feather right now. Is this girl telling me she's untouched? Jesus Christ.

"You always this forward?" I ask to see what she says. Seems she likes the truth. No beating around things.

"I guess so. Most people hate it. I say what I think. I think my mind works a bit different than most. I guess I'm sorry if I offended you. But I don't see how. I was just answering your questions."

I feel myself smile a little, and I let out a breath. "No. I like it. Cuts through the bullshit."

Guarding her obsession Where stories live. Discover now