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I just stareup at her as I debate my options. Everyone seems to think I need security, but I just can't seem to wrap my mind around someone stalking me.

"I'm not sure this is all necessary."

Her dark green eyes narrow on me, the half-smile dropping from her face. Maybe she doesn't like me cutting through the bullshit as much as she thought.

"I'm standing in the middle of your apartment, and you didn't so much as scream. This is despite you knowing someone has been stalking you. I could have been that someone. Fuck. I could be that someone." I snort and roll my eyes.

"Yeah right, Wonder Woman." I pat her on the chest before resting my hand there. I start to rub. I only meant to do a quick pat, but now I can't seem to remove my hand. I like the feel of her. I don't think I've ever liked the feel of a woman before. I don't think I've ever had the urge to touch one before.

Once I let some CEO of a company I was working with kiss me. It was slimy and awkward and I hadn't had the desire to try it again. I only did it that one time before because I wanted to see what it would be like to kiss. Why so many people always felt the need to do it.

"You think I couldn't hurt you?" She grabs my wrist, pulling it away from her chest. The action makes me frown. Oh, I know she could hurt me, but someone like her would never stalk me. That just didn't add up to me. If anything, I'd end up stalking her.

"Oh, I'm sure you could smash me." Now that I'm not touching her, I bring my other hand up to her chest and continue doing what I was doing before, but she just grabs that wrist, too.

"Then why aren't you worried?" Her words are hard and laced with anger. So unlike the soft hold she has on my wrist. I could easily pull away with one good tug. Maybe.

"Someone like you wouldn't stalk me. Maybe my sister. In fact, I don't see anyone stalking me. There has to be a mix up."

She gives a little tug on my wrist, and I fall into her, gasping when I feel her erection press into me.

"You're hard." The words pop right out of my mouth like they always do. I push myself further into her, wanting to feel it more.

"Shit," she grunts before stepping back and releasing me. She starts to pace back and forth, reminding me of a caged lion at the zoo wanting out. I've clearly made her uncomfortable, and for some reason that makes me uncomfortable. Normally, I don't care what people think about the things that come out of my mouth.

"Maybe you should just guard my sister. I'm sure..." My words trail off when she stops prowling back and forth and her eyes lock on me.

"Already put someone on her."

"So you agree it's she who needs protecting?" I hate that I was right. For one, I don't like the idea of my sister being in danger and two, my mind keeps going back to her sticking to me like Frodo to the ring.

"No. I one hundred percent think someone wants you, and they'll use anything to get to you."

"I just don't get it." I shake my head.

"There isn't anything to get. Just let us do our job and we'll find the asshole. And we'll keep both of you safe in the meantime."

I drop my bag to the floor and take a deep breath. My mind seems to be going down an endless tunnel of whos and whys. I just can't seem to grasp at anything.

I feel a finger lift my chin and find myself looking at her. My glasses slide back on my nose. I didn't even hear her move towards me.

"I can protect both of you. Your sister, too. I know it will make you both feel better knowing you're safe. What can it hurt? You won't even notice I'm around."

"That's highly improbable. You're fucking beautiful  and look like a sex god."

"You can't say shit like that to me." She runs a hand through her hair like I've made her uncomfortable. So much for cutting through the bullshit.

"Sorry. I—"

Her mouth hits mine, cutting off my words. For a moment I'm still not sure what just happened. I thought I had pissed her off. I dig my fingers into her shirt as she continues to go at my mouth. When I feel her hands go to my ass, I gasp. She takes the opening and pushes her  tongue into my mouth.

I let my eyes close as she devours my mouth. This is nothing like the kiss I had before. I push my tongue into her mouth, mimicking her movements, wondering if I'm making her feel what she's making me feel.

My body feels like I'm buzzing. Something inside of me is coming to life. I push further into her, wanting to be closer. I deepen the kiss. She goes to pull back, but I wrap my hands around her neck, not even noticing that I'm eye level with her and that my feet are no longer on the floor as I pull her back to me.

I move against her, needing the friction. Her cock is settled against my core, and I move my hips against her, taking what I want. What I need. Everything else is forgotten, my mind just shuts off.

She growls into my mouth, and I swear the sound vibrates through my whole body and goes straight to where I need it. My body explodes. A moan falls from my lips as I finally pull them from hers. I let my head drop back and enjoy the sensations rocking through my whole body. I feel like I'm floating.

When I finally come back down, I realize I kind of am. My legs are wrapped around her waist and I've somehow ended up with my back to a wall. I feel her tongue come out and lick my neck, making my body jerk.

"I wanna do that again," I say lazily. I think I could do that over and over again.

"Your place isn't secure. Come to mine and I'll do it over and over again."

"Mmkay," is all I say. I'd probably go anywhere she asked me at the moment.

"Holy shit."

I roll my head to the side and see my sister standing in the doorway. A man stands beside her with a shocked looked on his face, mirroring Elle's expression. I'm guessing that's her guard.

"I'm keeping this one," I say, locking my arms around her, not wanting to do a trade.

"Fuck," Jauregui says, placing me on the floor. I regretfully let my arms fall from around her neck.

She steps in front of me, blocking my view of my sister and the other man.

"I don't think you should be her guard, Jauregui," I hear the  man say. His words make my heart drop.

"I'm moving in with him," I retort, popping my head out from behind her. Elle giggles. They just ignore us.

"Fuck," Jauregui says again, like it's the only word she knows at the moment. She runs her hands through her  hair again. It must be something she does when she's frustrated.

"We can get Hernandez to guard her," the  man says, making me scowl at him.

"No," Jauregui bites back, finally giving us another word besides fuck. "I'll get it under control," she says before looking down at me. "Go pack your stuff."

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