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I rest my hands on top of Camila's . I don't take my eyes off Austin for a second while the cops come in and get things sorted out.

They wanted to question us separately, but Camila wouldn't let me go, and I wasn't about to take my hands off her while things were still getting settled.

Pink and I were at my office when his sisters came in and got to work. I don't know how but one of them was able to find the deleted security footage from Camila's apartment. At the same time, we found a name we'd come across before. Austin Mahone popped up as working with Green Shore before coming to work in Camila's building, and that's when it all clicked into place.

My phone buzzed just as this all happened, and I checked it to see Camila's messages. There was no reason security shouldn't have been at her door, so I called some of my old partners at the station and had them come to the building for back up.

When I got downstairs and I saw Austin's hands on Camila, red flooded my vision, and I just went into attack mode. It's all still a little fuzzy from the rage and adrenaline. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before, and I've been in a lot of crazy situations when I worked SWAT. But all I remember was needing to get him off of her. I also remember Pink running over to help Elle, and that made me angrier. The thought that someone would hurt her sister, someone Camila loves, infuriated me.

Thankfully, Pink was able to get between us, and Camila's  touch calmed me down. I would have very likely killed him for coming near my woman. The cops arrived and arrested Austin . Now they're just taking statements.

"We still need to deliver the files," Elle says, walking over to where we are. She looked at little shaken at first, but now she's leaning on Pink, and I can see that she's getting it back together. She's a tough one, but seeing her holding on to him is definitely a sign in the right direction.

The elevator opens behind us, and a group of cops help out Matt, the security guy we had planted outside my home.

We talk with him and the cops for a bit and find out that Austin admitted to having slipped something into the guard's coffee. It took just long enough for Elle to get inside before he was out cold, and Austin  stashed his body in a hall closet.

With that confession, he's going to be in jail for quite some time. Matt is a decorated veteran, and I know my boys will make sure he's taken care of. Austin may have started out as a petty criminal, but money makes people do crazy shit. It was enough to convince Austin that coming after my woman was a good idea. God knows what he would have done to my Camila.

The shiver snaking down my spine is stopped when Camila's  warm hand rubs my back. I squeeze her closer to me, needing the reassurance that she's still alive and still with me.

"I love you. You're right. I love you."

Camila  and I turn around to see Elle standing in front of Pink, admitting what we all knew.

"So you gonna wear my ring now?" he asks, looking into her eyes.

She puts her hands on her hips and glares at him. After a second, she lets out a huff and pushes a strand of hair out of her face. "Yes."

Pink gets down on one knee and pulls out a box. It's the one he bought the same day I got Camila's . I squeeze her hand a little, feeling the cool band on her finger, and it makes me smile.

Elle puts her hands over her mouth, looking down at the simple gold band with little pink diamonds all around it. Pink could have gotten her a 50-carat diamond, but he knew Elle, and he knew this would mean more to her.

"One diamond for every baby I'm gonna give you, Prinzessin," Pink says, waiting for Elle to answer.

I wrap my arms around Camila as we watch the tears stream down Elle's face and she launches herself at Pink. They're kind of adorable, those two.

"Double wedding!" Camila shouts and fist pumps the air.

"Whatever you want, cupcake," I say, kissing her forehead. "Let's get this shit delivered so I can take you upstairs and we can talk about your punishment."

"Punishment?" She looks up at me with big eyes, then smiles.

I have a feeling she won't take this lesson seriously.

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