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I watch her as she moves about the kitchen while I sit at the breakfast bar. His shirt is off, only wearing her bra and I can see the ridges and lines of her muscles as she moves around. For such a strong force , she moves almost with a silent grace. I wonder if that has to do with her job. Something she was trained to do.

I've never been so fascinated with a woman in my life, and the more I seem to learn about her, the worse it becomes. I can't seem to pull my eyes away from her, memorizing every mark on her body. At first I was intrigued by the scars that littered her body, but now my eyes linger on the tattoos that run up and cover every inch of both her arms.

"Do you like pain?" The question pops out of my mouth.

She turns to look at me, her back muscles flexing once again. I wonder how much she has to work out to keep those things. I bet a lot. I know she can lift me like I weigh nothing at all.

"I wouldn't say I liked it. Why?"

"I don't know. Just all the tattoos and scars. Seems like you have lot of pain going on."

Her head cocks to the side, a half-smile pulling at her mouth. At this angle I can see a dimple in her cheek, one I hadn't noticed before, but I see it now.

"Scars kind of come with the job, and the tattoos kind of do, too."

"You have to get tattoos to be a bodyguard?" Maybe this is some kind of ritual they do. Like

Like when my sister was a cheerleader and she wore ribbons in her hair and painted crap on her face. I didn't get it, but they all did it. It looked pretty stupid, but the tats don't look stupid on Lauren.

She lets out a bark of laughter as she goes back to chopping up an onion.

"No, cupcake. It's not required. It just something the guys and I liked to do. I haven't gotten a new one in a long time."

"Do you want more?"

"Hadn't really thought about it. I think the last time I got one, I was with SWAT."

"You should get one with color."

She sets the knife down and runs a hand up her other arm, looking down at her tattoos.

"You don't like all the black?" she asks like she really cares. Elle hasn't asked me anything about fashion or what looks good in forever. I have absolutely no fashion sense, and mostly I just don't care. I just throw stuff on.

"Thought it might look nice." Everything about her seems dark . Almost scary. I really noticed it when I was studying her moving in the kitchen. She's right. I should have been scared when I walked into my apartment and she was just standing there. She's really built . Her dark eyes and dark hair feed into the deadly edge. I'm sure she could just snap someone in half if she needed to. The tattoos and scars only add to her whole "I could snap you in half or go Wonder Woman smash on you" mystique.

But when I first saw her, I knew something about her just felt right. I felt a pull to her like nothing I've ever known before. Heck, I am doing things with her I've never even thought about doing with anyone before.

"And what would you suggest?" she asks, like she'd actually do whatever it is I'd suggest.

"A cupcake?" I half-joke, thinking she'd never do that. "It could go right next to that skull."

Lauren throws back her head and laughs. It rocks her body and makes me smile. I seem to even like her doing that, too. Everything she does gets me worked up. It makes me want to be wrapped around her again.

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