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"I want to tell you you're crazy, but..." Elle shrugs as she slides off the bar stool and heads for the coffee pot. "But I like how you two look together. It's different."

Different. A word I've been hearing my whole life.

"I really like her." I fiddle with the edges of the paper sitting on the counter, needing to do something with my hands. My sister's opinion means a lot to me. It's always been her and me, and while she might me bossy with me, I know I need it. She pulls me back and keeps me on track. If I didn't have her, I'd probably just live in a mess of chaos.

"I've never felt like this. I can't even seem to understand it." Not that I've really tried. My mind seems to be solely focused on Lauren.

"Is that driving you crazy?" After she looks in a few cabinets, she finds a mug and makes herself a cup. She doesn't offer me one, knowing I can't stand the stuff unless it's one of those fancy ones loaded with whipped cream and chocolate. Elle just drinks hers straight black.


"Well, there you go." She smiles over her coffee cup before taking a sip.

It hasn't been driving me crazy, oddly enough. I like for things to have reason to them. With this, I just seem to be trying to snatch it up and keep it without caring about why. I was so freaking happy when she seemed to be on board with the idea of getting married. I was scared when she didn't answer me quickly at first when we were lying in bed before Elle and Pink showed up.

Or maybe she just said that so as not to embarrass me. A little bit of that sinking feeling comes back.

"She's beautiful . Like the rough, sexy type women always go crazy for on TV."

"And?" She sets her coffee down, resting her elbows on the counter, and studies me like she doesn't understand what I'm getting at.

I just shrug. I've never once really thought about what I looked like, despite having a sister who was once a model. Now I care. I want us to fit.

"You two fit, Zoey," she says, like she's reading my mind, something I often think she can do. "That's why I'm not all up in your business about it. I like how she is with you. How you are with her.I've never see you like this. You seem happy."

"I thought you said most people are assholes?" I remind her of the words I'm pretty sure I heard her mutter less than a week ago.

"Most are. They just want in your pants."

"I hope so because I really want Lauren in my pants," I say dreamily, and Elle spits out a mouthful of coffee, making me jump.

She wipes up her mess and shakes her head. "I meant that's all some people want, and I can't believe that just came out of your mouth. I'm liking Lauren more and more by the second."

I narrow my eyes at her, making her laugh more.

"Simmer down, Camila. I didn't mean it like that. The woman clearly only has eyes for you. Trust me. I know by the way her eyes follow you that she can't seem to let you out of her reach. It's sweet. Plus, I'm not even sure she knows I have a vagina."

"Pink knows you have a vagina."

My words make her narrow her eyes on me now. I still can't believe all the things she's let him get away with. No one gives the brush off better than Elle.

"Well, he's not getting anywhere near my vagina."

"I don't know how you do it. I haven't even had sex and I think I'm already addicted to it. I'm not sure what will happen once I get it. I don't know how you go so long without it having done it before. You actually know how good it is. I was just in the dark, but now I know it's going to be awesome."

Elle silently finishes cleaning up. I can feel the tension in the air grow a little. little.

"You've had sex, right? I just thought..." I trail off, trying to think back. She's never had a serious boyfriend, but she has dated before. Or used to date, anyways. I just never asked her about sex because, well, I never really thought much about it before now.

"Elle?" I push.

"No, I haven't had sex," she finally snaps. I can feel my eyes widen. Okay then. Didn't see that one coming.

"Like I said, some people are assholes who only want in your pants, and then they move on to the next. They only like me because I'm pretty and want to say they banged me. Or they think they can buy me."

"Does Pink make you feel that way, too?" I ask, suddenly feeling bad. I'd never thought about it like that. It reminds me a little of what Lauren said about me just wanting her for sex, which isn't true.

"He just makes me feel frustrated," she growls. Actually growls in a voice I've never heard her use before. It makes me giggle a little. Her eyes snap to me. It's the look she gives me when I'm saying something I shouldn't be.

"Sexually frustrated?"

"I'm going to punch you."

"What?" I throw my hands up, and she flings the towel she used to clean the mess at me. I catch it midair before tossing it back at her.

"I'm just wondering. You let him touch and kiss on you after you yell at him. It's confusing." I've never seen a man handle Elle like Pink does. It's actually really intriguing. He seems to know how to work her. Even I can't do that and I've known her my whole life.

She lets out a heavy sigh as she makes her way back to her stool.

"No, I don't feel like he just wants in my pants. Normally, when you call a guy on it they move on, but you never know. I'm jaded. He just keeps getting all in my space and kissing me like he can do it whenever he wants. It's annoying and—"

"Hot," I finish for her, making her roll her eyes, but I see the side of her mouth quirk up a little, like she's remembering him annoying her.

"I like him," she finally admits. "And I hate that I like him, and I hate that he seems to know I like him." She looks so frustrated at her own admission.

I giggle once again at the circle she seems to be going in.

"You should just give in and not question it, like me. My logic is undeniable," I tell her, giving her one of my favorite movie lines. I use it on her when she tries to argue a point against me. "We could do a double wedding!"

I jump up from my chair like I just came up with the best idea ever. Because I did.

"I can't even with you," she says, finally cracking a smile and laughing.

"Hey, if all he wants is in your pants, then you'll know where you stand when you say you're getting married. It's perfect." I nod my head. Damn, I might be good at the whole relationship thing after all. I could Oprah this and just start handing out marriages.

I start jumping around and chanting, "You get a wedding. You get a wedding." Elle just laughs harder.

When the door opens, I spin to see Lauren and Pink are back.

"We're all getting married!" I tell them before launching myself at Lauren.

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