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"Wow, I love this place." I look around Lauren's  home in awe. Everything is awash in deep, rich colors, making it feel warm and homey, nothing like my apartment.

"Thanks." I look up at her and see a little pink hit her cheeks. God, she's so stunning. My eyes go back to the scar on her cheek. I can't seem to keep my eyes off it. I couldn't stop staring at her the whole drive over here. I have no idea what it is about her, but for the first time in my life, I'm utterly fascinated by a woman. She makes me feel things I've never felt before, and I like those feelings. Want to keep them. They make me feel more like everyone else. Maybe it was the mind-blowing orgasm she gave me. They're something I'm going to be getting more of.

"It feels like a home. Mine is kind of..." I scrunch my nose as I try to think of a word. "Cold."

"I wanted it to be homey," she says, using my own word. I can tell there's more there. That she has put a lot of effort into making his place feel warm and welcoming. It seems important to her.

"Are you sure you want me to live here with you? I'll destroy this place." I drop the bag from my shoulder, and when it hits the floor, I hear a few things spill out, making my words ring true. "I'm kind of a mess. That's why I try not to have a lot of things. Simple seems to work best for me."

The corner of her mouth quirks at my words. "I don't think anything about you is simple. And I think I can handle you." She looks down at me, her eyes roaming over me. I don't think we're talking about handling the same things.

I try to clarify. "I'm serious! My sister is a neat freak. She won't even live with me and she loves me. When I moved out on my own, I made sure I didn't have too much stuff and tried to just contain things to my office and bedroom—places I could close the door to if people came over."

I look around her place and see not only does everything look all warm and cozy, it looks neat. I've been here two seconds and I've already made a mess.

"I kind of like the idea of seeing your stuff all over my place." She bends down and picks up the bag I dropped, repacking the items that spilled out.

"That doesn't even make sense." She likes the idea of me going all Tasmanian devil in his place?

"Come on, I'll show you to your room."

She starts to head down a hallway, and I follow her,trying to take everything in. "I'm staying in your room, right?"

I stop moving when I collide into her back. I was too busy looking around at her home to pay attention to where I was walking.

"I have to protect you, cupcake. I'm not sure how well I can do that with you in my bed."

"But I'm moving in, and you said you would give me more orgasms," I protest, not understanding. It makes sense if we sleep together. I may be new at this sex stuff, but I'm pretty sure most of it goes down at night. In bed. I hope we don't have to wait for the sun to go down because I kind want to do it now if it's anything like what she did to me against the wall.

"Moving in." She says the words like she doesn't understand them.

"I thought you said I was staying with you. That you'd send someone to get the rest of my things. I'll have to see about breaking my lease, but I'm sure it can be done for the right amount of money. And Elle says I have money coming out my ass so no worries there." Elle handles my accounts. I don't pay attention to money. I know how to invest well but I don't really watch the bottom dollar. I guess because I haven't really had to. When people reach out for my services, she always handles costs and payments. I just slide my Amex when I need something and the thing always works. Elle says I spend hardly anything, and I'll never burn through the money at this rate.

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