Chapter 7

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We're all on our feet, running from the swarm. I feel many painful stings. Issak falls to the ground, and Edlynne kicks him down. I grab Issak, getting more stings by the second. I throw his arm around my shoulder and follow the rest of the group. The venom starts getting to me, and everything is colorful and bright, and it suddenly doubles too. We find a lake and jump in, escaping the wasps. Once they're gone, I grab Issak and get out of the lake. Everything slows to a halt, and my eyes shut as the world fades around me. I open my eyes to see the others around me. Archer is the only one awake. Great. I hope Laikynn or Issak wake up soon enough, so I don't have to be alone with Archer. I have no idea how long it's been. Archer sits beside me. "How long has it been?" Archer asks. "I have no idea. I got stung too." He pulls me in for a kiss, and I try not to gag. I kiss him back, and we make out until we hear someone else waking up, and then we pull apart. Luckily, it's just Laikynn, and not Edlynne. Issak is laying on the ground, twitching. He must still be hallucinating. He got stung bad. I got it pretty bad too. A silver parachute floats down to where I am. I grab it and find a small container with white cream inside. Capitol medicine. I rub the cream on all my stings, and they shrink in size. Edlynne also gets a sponsor gift, and it's the same thing. I shake Issak awake while the others deal with their stings. I let Archer use some of my medicine. "Cashmere?" Issak says quietly. I rub some of the medicine on his many stings. Laikynn somehow only got stung once. Archer didn't get it too bad either. Edlynne got quite a few, but she'll be okay. "Why did you save me?" Issak asks. "I don't know, I guess I just didn't want to leave you to die." Issak nods. Edlynne adds into the conversation by saying "You should have left him. He's pretty useless to the team." I get angry at her. "Shut up Edlynne! You've done nothing but be a bitch the entire games!" Everyone looks shocked, and Issak looks kind of nervous. This won't end well for me, that I can tell.  But I can't let her act like this. "You think your better than everyone because you're the younger sister of a victor! Well, you're not!" Edlynne screams back. "You're not actually in love with Archer, it's fake!" She didn't. Archer is now smoldering with rage. "It was fake the whole time?" He grabs a spear and throws it at me, but I dodge it. While he goes to grab another, I yank him forward and slit his throat. A cannon fires a few seconds later. Not even grabbing the rest of my supplies, I run as far away as I can from the others. I find a tree, and sit down against it. What the hell just happened? Archer is dead, and I'm sure Edlynne is after me. What about Issak? I haven't heard another cannon so she hasn't killed him. I hear footsteps, and hide behind the tree incase it's Edlynne. I look to see who it is. Issak. "Cashmere, I'm not going to kill you." Issak says. I trust him, so I walk towards him. He hands me my pack. "You didn't have to do that for me, you know how Edlynne is." "I couldn't let her act like that. You've done nothing to her." We hear someone coming. "Hide!" Issak whispers. I run behind the tree, and I'm glad I did, because it's Edlynne. "What do you think you're doing?" She screams. "You're helping her aren't you?" I climb up the tree. Before I can do anything, she swings her axe into his abdomen about 3 times. He falls to the ground, and she runs away. When she's gone, I climb down the tree. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop her." "It's okay. I wouldn't want you to get hurt." He takes off his pack and hands it me. I take what I need, and then leave the rest to be transported out of the arena. I hand him back the pack. A cannon fires. I leave Issak's body for the hovercraft, and sit against the tree again, before deciding this spot isn't safe and moving. I find another tree, and sit against it. I look up to see a sponsor gift. I open it up, and find poison inside. Edlynne is after you. Poison them. I decide to execute this plan tomorrow. I search through the pack and see I have a good amount of food and water, and my knife. I look up to see who died today, Archer, Issak, Winter from District 7, and Louis from District 12. So that leaves who? Edlynne, Laikynn, Ulric from District 6, and Verity. I could take down Ulric and Verity easily, but Edlynne and Laikynn? The poison should work. I lay against the tree and fall asleep. I wake up, and decide to poison the food now. Edlynne, and Laikynn are just now leaving to hunt. Once they're out of sight, I find the food stash and dump the poison on all of it. Once I'm done, I run as fast I can away from the Career camp. I find a new spot, and sit against the tree. I get another sponsor gift. Water. Which is good because I'm running low on it. I see Verity in the bushes, and she charges at me with a knife. She must have stolen them from Waverly. Maybe she was responsible for those deaths. I stab her a couple of times, until she's dead. Her cannon fires. I sit back against the tree. A hovercraft arrives and takes her body away. Around sunset, I hear another cannon. I'm the distance I see the hovercraft pick up a body. Laikynn. He must have died from the poison. Suddenly, I feel a horrible pain in my arm, and turn around to see a boy with beige hair and hazel eyes, Ulric. He continues to cut my arm until I stab him in the throat. He dies immediately. I get a sponsor gift. More Capitol medicine. I rub it on my cut. I lean against the tree and see the fallen tributes. Laikynn, Ulric, and Verity. I fall asleep leaning against the tree. When I wake up, I wander around the arena, looking for nothing in particular, when I get to a certain part of the forest, I see her, Edlynne.

Song: Better Than That
Artist: Marina and The Diamonds
I based Edlynne on this song.
Word Count: 1137

OLD VERSION: Little Sister: A Cashmere Story Where stories live. Discover now