Chapter 6

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1 minute until the games truly begin, and if I'm being honest, I'm terrified. 20 seconds. I find the rest of the Career pack. Except Laikynn, who I guess is on the other side. 10 seconds. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1." The gong sounds. Everyone jumps off their pedestals and runs towards the Cornucopia. The girl from 12 grabs the throwing knives before I can and takes off. I remember her name from training, Waverly. She's my first target. I grab a knife that's laying on the ground. Someone grabs me, Daniel. He's about to bring his knife down on me, when I kick him backwards into Issak, who stabs him. I grab the boy from 10 as he tries to run, and slit his throat. I leave him on the ground. I hear Naida scream, but I'm too late to save her, as Archer spears her.  Winter grabs her bow, and takes off running. Issak tackles Archer, and is about to kill him, when Laikynn stops him. "We still need him." he says. I wish Issak had killed him. He lowers his trident, and we run off into the woods once Edlynne joins us. I hear only 10 cannons. "So, who was Naida to you?" I ask Issak out of curiosity. He sighs "My younger brother's girlfriend. I promised I'd get her back to him." I feel kind of sad about that. She was good with a bow, she could have won. I only have a small knife for a weapon, so I hope we find Waverly soon. It's getting dark, so we find somewhere to settle down for the night. Lyric and Jack from District 3, Naida, Daniel, Oscar from District 7, Allen from District 8, David and Demelza from District 9, Aleah and her District partner, Jacob, and Louis from District 11, all dead on the first day. In the morning we go hunting for other tributes. We hear about 2 cannons throughout the day, none of them are our kills. We go the whole day without finding anyone. "Let's split up." Edlynne demands, and we all agree. I go with Archer, because I'm supposed to have fallen in love with him again. "I knew you never moved on." Archer says. He pisses me off, but I just respond by kissing him and saying "Maybe I didn't." I hate myself for doing that, but it'll be worth it when I kill him. I hear another cannon. Someone runs through the bushes. Allegra, from District 11. "Get her!" Archer yells. We run towards her and Archer grabs her in a headlock. She's young, only about 14. Archer hands me one of his spears, and I spear her through the abdomen. I see a boy in the distance, but he runs away before we can get him. After a few hours, we reunite with the rest of the Career pack. "I killed the girl from five." Edlynne says proudly. "I stabbed her leg so she couldn't run, don't act like you did it yourself, Edlynne." Laikynn says, rolling his eyes. Edlynne glares at him. I don't know what it is about Edlynne, but I don't like her. She tries to hide her dislike for me, but she's not a good faker. Issak shows up after a few minutes. "Let me guess, didn't get anyone?" Edlynne says, annoyed for no real reason. "No." Issak says, looking down. "Kind of expected it from you." She says. I really don't like Edlynne. Issak did nothing wrong. "Leave him alone Edlynne." Edlynne looks about ready to kill me, and raises her ax. She's about to swing it at me, when Archer stops her. "Stop it, Edlynne, she's your ally, after all." I'm guessing that's the only reason he stopped her. I eat a small loaf of bread, and then I sit back to watch the fallen tributes. Avonleah from District 5, Navy from District 6, Allegra, and I'm disappointed to see that Waverly is dead. She was supposed to be my target. It's my night to keep watch, so I prop myself up against a tree. I hear a chime, and look up to see a sponsor gift. I reach out to grab it, and see some bread, and a note. Edlynne knows, watch out for her. This can't be good. Edlynne knows I don't love him? She might tell him, and I can't even imagine where that will get me. I know Edlynne would do that, she's selfish and manipulative. She has this sense of pride that makes her think she's better than everyone else, and will do anything to get to the top. I can't kill her, she has an ax, and all I have is a knife. She could easily take me down. 3 days pass and nobody dies. I've been receiving a good amount of sponsors, and it's been making Edlynne seemingly jealous. It's Issak's night to keep watch, so I lay down and fall asleep. I wake up in the morning to loud buzzing. Tracker jackers.

Sorry this took so long I had really bad writers block :(
Word Count: 866

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