Chapter 9

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Nini POV

My moms took me shopping to try and get my mind off of Ricky. I told them what happened. They said I needed a spa day to think about myself. 

I didn't tell them about Ethan. I probably will but not for a while. Whenever I think about it, I start to breakdown. 

I got some new clothes which I think are really cute. They are a little more, how do I put this, slutty? It wasn't super bad but I think it looked really good on me.

I'm surprised my moms let me get them, honestly. They usually don't let me get clothes like that. Anyways, after we went shopping we went to the spa. I got a massage, a facial, and my nails done. 

We came home and I went upstairs to my room. When I walked in, I saw someone I did not expect to see.


"H-Hey Nini."

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to apologize." I went to sit on my bed. "I got you a basket with your favorite things, I decorated your room, I wrote you a song, got you a card, and I payed for your food."

I was so shocked. He did all of this for me.

"Look Nini I feel really bad for what I did. I shouldn't of been upset with you. I didn't really mind that you had changed, I was just upset that you were hanging out with Ethan more than you were hanging out with me. I know that it is my fault because I started hanging put with Abby more than you and I feel really bad for that, but Nini, I want to hang out with you more now. I want to go back to the way we were. I miss how we would jam out in my car, go to In-n-Out, have inside jokes, and I miss seeing you smile because of me. I miss driving you home after school everyday, I miss picking you up every morning, I just miss you. Can we go back to how we used to be?"

Right now I am crying. That was such a great speech. And honestly, I have missed him.

"Yes, I would love that. I have missed you so much." I ran and jumped onto him.

"Oh my gosh, that is such a relief. I thought you would never forgive me. Now, let's watch some movies and eat."

"But you don't have any food."

"Actually I do. Your parents got me food while you guys were there."

"Wait, they knew about this?"

"Yep, that's why they got you out of the house. So I could set this all up."

"Aww, that's so sweet. Well, what are we waiting for?" I jumped on my bed while he went to grab his food. When he came back we grabbed my laptop and put on a movie. We decided on watching The Bee Movie. (A/N It's the greatest movie ever created) We started eating.

About halfway into the movie I got cold. Ricky pulled me closer to him and held me close. We finished the movie and I saw Ricky was starting to fall asleep.



"Do you want to stay here?"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. I can sleep on the floor so you can have the bed." I got up and grabbed some blankets.

"No. You are staying with me." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

"Ricky, I need to get ready for bed."

"I do too. Can I use your shower?"

"Of course."

"Thank you." He went into my bathroom while I went to my desk. I took my makeup off and got dressed. I was just wearing a tank top and shorts. I had to wash my face but Ricky was in the bathroom. I didn't care, I walked in there anyway.

"Hey Ricky, I need to wash my face. Can I do it while you're still in the shower?"

"Yeah sure. I mean, I can't kick you out of your own bathroom."

"Very true." I started washing my face. When I was almost done the shower turned off.

"Nini can you hand me my towel?" I saw his towel on the floor. I grabbed it and handed it to him without looking. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." I finished washing my face as Ricky came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. I looked for a split-second and saw that he had abs. Now I couldn't stop looking.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer."

"Oh shut up." I pushed his shoulder.

"Do I have any of my clothes here?"

"Uh yeah, they should be in the bottom drawer of my dresser."

"Cool, thanks." He left to go change. I didn't want to walk in on him changing so I stayed in the bathroom for a little bit longer. When I finally walked in, I saw Ricky laying in my bed.

I went and laid next to him. I was really cold. Why did I choose to wear a tank top and shorts? Honestly, I have no idea.

"You cold?"

"A little."

"Well that's a little non-surprising considering you are wearing very little clothes. Now get over here." I moved closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me. I put my head on his chest.

We fell asleep just like that.


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