oneshot thing because boredom has killed me

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Okay so--

Boredom has killed me lmfao- I'll just say this is a gift for Ozzie, because- reasons- now, they're both gonna be the same age! Kids, to be exact- wait if Max and Sakura get married in this AU when they grow up that'd make David Max's brother-in-l...

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Boredom has killed me lmfao- I'll just say this is a gift for Ozzie, because- reasons- now, they're both gonna be the same age! Kids, to be exact- wait if Max and Sakura get married in this AU when they grow up that'd make David Max's brother-in-law I-

Max, the cynical kid, was at camp hanging out with his crush Sakura, and his...friend, Davey. Sakura, was Davey's innocent, yet overprotective, older sister. Anyways, Max was talking to them. "We need to escape this god forsaken camp..." he said, this was normal, he was always trying to think of ways to escape. Davey, who was happier now, ever since the...incident. "Why should we leave?" He asked in his high-pitched voice. Sakura, glanced at Max. "Yeah, Max....I don't think leaving is a good idea..." She said, her voice wasn't as high-pitched as Davey's, but it was still a bit high.
Max rolled his eyes. "We have to leave because this camp is shit and it's a fucking scam." He said, looking back over at Sakura and Davey, only to see Sakura covering Davey's ears. "Max, please watch your language around Davey..." She said, despite Davey being ten, the same age as Max, Sakura didn't want him to hear anymore curse words, fearing that he would pick back up on them. The black haired boy sighed, looking at Sakura with his normal, slightly emotionless, yet tired, eyes. "Sakura, you can't shield him from this god awful world forever. He's gonna grow up depressed, because you won't let him live his fucking life over some curse words. Either way, shielding him or not, he's gonna be just like everyone else. Crying themselves to sleep every night." He says, not realizing he was being that harsh. He closed his eyes for a few minutes before opening them back up, to reveal Sakura with tears in her eyes, threatening to spill onto her cheeks and fall to the ground. His eyes widen, looking back on what he said, oh boy did he fuck up this time. "Sakura....I'm-" he started, sounding genuinely guilty. He hated seeing Sakura cry, it always either made him pissed off with whoever made her cry, or made him feel a tug at his heart, aka, feeling bad.
Sakura cut him off, wiping her tears away. "No, there's no need to apologize....I just need to go on a walk, I'll be right back." She got up and walked away, her hair flowing behind her. Davey watched her go with sadness in his emerald green eyes, he looked back over at Max. "Go apologize." He says, glaring at him a bit. "I was just about to go apologize, don't worry..." he replied, getting up and running after Sakura. "Sakura, wait up!" He yelled grabbing her sleeve. " don't need to run..." he said, earning a slight glare from Sakura. "Look, Max....I just need some time alone, okay?" She says, trying to pull her arm away, but Max kept a firm grip on it. "Look...I'm sOrRy-" he had a rough time saying it, once he got it right, he shook his head. "Okay?" He says, finally letting go of her arm, he was uh...blushing a tiny bit. "You're sorry?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "God damnit, yes." He grumbled, earning a smile smile from Sakura, along with a hug. "You're forgiven, just be careful with what you say." She said softly. The boy who's face had just flared up, mumbled something while hugging her back. She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed them apart, she had a confused look on her face. "What'd you say?" She asked, she was just curious. Max glared at her. "I didn't say shit..." he says, obviously lying. "Max, I heard you mumble something, I just wanna know what you said! I promise I won't judge!" She says, smiling at him. "....promise?" He asked. She nodded in response. "Fine....tell anybody I told you this and I WILL kill you....okay, I said..." he went quiet for a minute. "I-I....I said I love you so much..." he whispered, which, those words made Sakura's face turn into a scarlet red. " love me?" She asked, surprised. Max groaned, his eye twitching a bit. "Are you deaf!? Yes! I'm not fucking repeating myself...." he says, glancing away. Sakura awkwardly glanced left and right. "W-well...I you too..." She said, nervously. Earning a surprised glance from Max. "Wait, really?" He asked. "Are you fucking with me?" He asked, a bit suspicious. "Huh? Why'd I be messing with you? I'm serious..." She said, her blush only turning into a darker ruby red. His eyes widen, but a smile made its way on his face as he hugged her tightly.


Ozzie I'm so sorry lmfao

This is now a crack-ship, and this is cringey and it's what happens when I'm bored- and I saw an opportunity and....


Enjoy your gift drunkempire lol

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