why can't you love me

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I have a question for you guys: is this plot getting boring for you? i feel like it's being dragged out a little, but i don't want to reveal everything really fast so this is the best way to ensure that. i'm also curious on what you guys think about soojin and minnie. how do you think they're related?

"Yuqi, you need to sleep. This is the third day now." Soyeon tried to convince the younger girl to go back to bed, but Yuqi wouldn't budge, not when she was on the brink of figuring something out.

"Go back to sleep, Soyeon. I'm fine." Yuqi answered the girl, who huffed, dragging herself out of bed, and to the table that Yuqi had been sitting at, one that was filled with mountains of books and sheets.

"This isn't healthy, Qi. I want you to be healthy." Soyeon pouted, as Yuqi sighed, pulling a chair over for Soyeon to sit in.

"I know, and I appreciate that, but this is how I've always been. When I want something, I'll go after it." Yuqi retorted, flipping through numerous pages out of a large book.

"Go after me then." Soyeon said bluntly, causing Yuqi to shut the book on her finger, wincing as it was now red.

"I'm so sorry!" Soyeon kissed Yuqi's forehead, making the younger girl blush madly, averting eye contact with a smirking Soyeon.

"The least you can do is help me now." Yuqi rolled her eyes, as Soyeon saluted.

"What do you need from me, baby?" Soyeon flirted again, rejoicing in how red Yuqi's face was.

"I'm not your baby!" Yuqi retorted, as Soyeon scoffed.

"As if. I literally spoon you at night." Soyeon replied.

"Alright, fine. You have a point there." Yuqi sighed, feeling defeated, as Soyeon smiled in victory; she always loved to win.

"What am I helping you with?" Soyeon asked, laying back in her chair, as Yuqi rolled her eyes at such action.

"The prophecy said that two people will meet at solstice, right? At dusk?" Yuqi asked, as Soyeon nodded, recalling her experience at Sana's office.

"Yeah, why?" Soyeon asked back.

"I need to figure out who the two people are, and I think I may have an idea." Yuqi stated, as Soyeon leaned in, intriguingly.

"Do tell." Soyeon begged nonchalantly.

"You know how Queen Taeyeon, your aunt, called Shu and I into her office, right?" Yuqi asked, as Soyeon nodded.

"She mentioned that she knew of the prophecy, and that Shuhua and I could help stop the war from happening. It got me thinking, could Shuhua and I be the two people?

I decided against that, however, when there was no way of us having relation, besides the fact that we've been best friends for years. Minnie and Soojin, however, have identical bracelets, which are accustomed to the owner, meaning that these bracelets are most definitely not a mistake." Yuqi stated.

"Which would mean that, it wouldn't be you and Shuhua, rather Soojin and Minnie instead." Soyeon finished her sentence.

"Exactly. While the bracelets are a clear sign of relation, I highly doubt that's what's being referred to. There must be another level of relation here, one that I have yet to figure out." Yuqi concluded, as Soyeon looked at a tired Yuqi with a sigh.

"Qi, I admire that you're adamant about this, but please go to bed, will you? You look so tired and it's hurting me that you won't let me take care of you." Soyeon dismissed Yuqi, as she tried to object, slowly sinking into her chair when she realized that Soyeon was right.

"Fine, but I'm only doing this for you." Yuqi huffed, as Soyeon picked the light girl up into her arms.

"I'm gonna cuddle you baby!" Soyeon threw Yuqi on the bed, as she giggled, the two basking in each other's warmth for the rest of the night.

Minnie couldn't sleep, not when Miyeon wasn't by her side.

The whole---fallen angel thing, as well as her ranking really ruined it all, honestly. Minnie wanted nothing more than to have Miyeon as her girlfriend, and to have her in her arms, but she knew that it was wishful thinking, a wish that had unfortunate probability.

She thought about her father, and how he must be doing; after all, it had just been the two of them after Minnie's mother died when she was a baby.

If she knew him well, she would have assumed that he had drowned himself in his work at this point, much like Miyeon does.

"Maybe that's why she's so familiar to me." Minnie thought, looking up at the ceiling, as she could hear the faint whooshes of the cars passing by.

The prophecy itself pissed her off. Just when she thought she was finally able to lead a life without expectation, she just so happens to be thrown into a prophecy, one that could involve either one of her friends, or all of them.

Not to mention, that something big was supposed to happen in about a week and a half from now, which in the grand scheme of things, wasn't a lot of time.

She thought about the bracelet, and how it could have possibly made its way to Soojin, as she had an identical one, no doubt about it.

"Why can I never get an answer?" Minnie thought, snuggling into her covers once more.

Part of her regretted this entire thing, as she had lost her sense of familiarity, as well as her entire family, and her father, who she knew she would never see again.

But the other part of her disagreed, treating this experience as an eye opener, to the primarly dull life she used to live in Heaven. At least here, she would be allowed to have a relationship with Miyeon, if the other girl was even ready for that.

Miyeon. How her thoughts always went back to the older girl with a perfect smile.

Minnie wanted to be with her; she wanted a relationship similar to Shuhua and Soojin, or even Yuqi and Soyeon, who seemed to be getting along quite well.

Minnie knew that she shouldn't have any of those expectations, however, as Miyeon was an archangel, and she was proud of that.

Her rank has always mattered to her, as long as Minnie has known her.

She shouldn't assume that she would even be important enough to Miyeon to consider otherwise.

"Why can't she love me?" Minnie thought, as her eyes began to take on a glossy texture.

Minnie looked over towards the side of the bed, that Miyeon had slept on previously.

It was now empty, just like Minnie's heart.

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