welcome to Hell

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Smoke lingered in the air, but that was to be expected.  The screaming souls were louder tonight, much to Soojin's dismay, who was trying to relax after a hard working day.

It was much harder to be the Princess of Hell than anyone could have ever thought.

As much as she liked the title, it could get lonely at times. Everyone was afraid of her; they knew what power she possessed and how much of it. If she wanted to, she could make you suffer forever.

The only people who loved her consisted of her mother, and her cousin, Soyeon.

Soojin often took time to herself, setting up her secret hideout, which consisted of just sitting on the roof of her family's royal castle. From her view, she could see all over the different portions of Hell.

Soyeon decided that tonight, she would join Soojin in her observations. She hadn't been in Hell very long, last year she sinned and fell from Heaven, like everyone else does; however she hadn't planned on surviving, let alone finding part of her family here.

Soojin let her legs dangle from the platform, she could fall if she wanted to, but she had duties to fulfill, and a saddened heart to fix. Soyeon cleared her throat, taking a seat directly next to Soojin, who seemed too absorbed in the ruckus happening in Hellfire Square, to recognize her cousin's presence.

"At least the view is nice." Soyeon chuckled, nudging Soojin's side ever so slightly, a warm gesture for the Ice Queen.

"It's the only thing that's nice these days. The chaos here has been getting worse and worse every day; probably because of all of the mishap that's happening in Heaven. Mother is anxious these days." Soojin responded, leaning her shoulder on her best friend.

"I'm aware of the chaos happening in Heaven too. I've been trying to watch the news but all they do is bash angels and it isn't accurate. I would get a better synopsis if I went back up there myself." Soyeon added, while Soojin let out a breathy laugh.

Soyeon sure was great company when she wanted to be.

"What was it like up there?" Soojin asks, looking up at Hell's version of the sky, a red, fiery put of orange and yellow hues.

"It's quite nice, actually. Very pure; lots of white engravings and such. The only problem is the propaganda and your freedom.

I was going for angelic studies ironically, when I met this younger girl; she went for Hell studies instead. I would assume she's 17 or so now. We started getting into a discussion on the propaganda of purity, and it really opened my eyes on how little freedom you really had as a young angel.

If I could meet her again, I would thank her, although I never found out her name." Soyeon smiled, reminiscing on the younger girl, who she knew she wouldn't ever see again.

Soojin listened intently. She's always wanted to see what Heaven was like; it's unfortunate when both sides of the spectrum hate each other.

Suddenly, Soojin could see a bright red figment in her peripheral vision. Soyeon perked up, grabbing her wrist to show her that her bracelet was glowing.

"This hasn't ever glowed before. I thought mom was kidding!" Soojin marveled at the bracelet, that seemed to be shining brighter every minute.


The voice spoke, a dreamy like one. Soojin froze, clearly confused. Soyeon looked at her, sporting a puzzled expression.

"Are you alright? You kind of spaced out there." Soyeon asked, amused and slightly worried.

"Did you hear that?" Soojin asked, her eyes wide.

"No?" Soyeon responded, almost questioning herself.

"What the fuck? She didn't hear it; maybe it's the bracelet?" Soojin thought, looking back at the ruby red band, that still shined brightly as ever.

Soyeon gasped, smacking Soojin on the shoulder.

"Ouch, what the fuck was that for?" Soojin grimaced, but followed Soyeon's gaze up to the sky, and she gasped as well.

A white flaming ball of fire was whirling in the sky.

It was unlike anything Soojin had ever seen, but judging from Soyeon's expression, it was super familiar.

"Is that a metorite or something? Did the mortals screw something up again?" Soojin asked, but Soyeon's face was just as perplexed.

"We need to follow that, now!" Soyeon's voice was shaky, as she stood up, leaving Soojin in a trance of confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Soojin asked quickly, now she was frantic too.

"That's not a meteorite. That's a fallen angel!" Soyeon shouted, quickly running to the door of the rooftop, with Soojin following.

It was like a flash. The last thing Minnie remembers is very slight; ripples of red and white flashed all around her, while for a moment, she could feel herself falling.

Minnie opened her eyes, her breathing was heavy, as the fall did indeed take away a large portion of her oxygen before she blacked out.

Directly straight of her, she could see hints of red, orange, and yellow in the sky, while she picked up her hands, that had shifted back in color to their normal tan hue.

"I survived! I'm alive!" Minnie cried, while writhing in reddish mud.

Now Minnie could be picky; she was all dirty and gross, after all; she didn't want to be picky though, not when she had just defied all the odds against her.

She was officially a fallen angel.

Minnie struggled to get up, but eventually, she was able to wipe most of the mud up, as she coughed from the abundance of smoke around her.

"Am I actually alive? Is this really Hell?" Minnie thought, ridiculously thankful that she was right about her mixed ability, the only thing that kept her alive through the fall.

Minnie turned around once she saw two girls, they looked around her age.

One of them had jet black hair, styled shortly in a medium sized bob. The other girl had flowing blonde locks; she was taller than her counterpart.

The one with the black hair ran towards her, while the blonde one slowly followed.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" The black haired girl asked, worriedly scanning Minnie for any possible injuries.

"I can't believe I survived." Minnie whispered in shock; she still couldn't believe this was happening.

"I'm alright, just a little spooked, that's all." Minnie added, responding to the girl in front of her, who looked reassured.

"I'm sure you have a ton of questions, huh?" The blonde girl asked Minnie who nodded.

"Welcome to Hell."

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