bright and bubbly

629 39 5

Hell was one force to be reckoned with, quite literally.

Minnie walked through Hellfire Square with Soojin and Soyeon, as she marveled at the sophisticated nature of it all, very much unlike what she was expecting.

In Heaven, they never really talked about Hell in depth, except for their propagandistic viewpoints on how Hell is supposedly disgusting, dirty, and absolutely sinful.

The sin part of it was correct, but Minnie couldn't help but to marvel at the attention paid to detail; the elegant carvings in black and red on the tiled flooring of the square, a contrasting cracked white.

"Here we are." Soyeon noted, holding the door of the workplace open for Soojin and Minnie, who quietly thanked her, walking into the workplace.

"Ah, Soojin! Nice to see you again." A pale girl cheered, her eyes turning up into crescents at the sight of an acquaintance. No one really came by these days; they were too busy with other things.

"Likewise, Dahyun. Do you know where we could find your girlfriend?" Soojin asked Dahyun, the clerk of Sana's business.

Looking at it made Minnie miss her cousin a little bit. "If only she knew that I survived." Minnie sighed, while Soyeon stood next to her.

"She's in her office, you can just walk in." Dahyun chirped, smiling widely.

Minnie was taken aback by seeing such a happy face in a realm that held a rather grim connotation. Dahyun would have been perfect in Heaven as a saint.

Soojin thanked Dahyun, slipping into Sana's office, with Soyeon following. Minnie stood there hesitantly, letting her new friends go ahead of her.

Dahyun wasn't one to let someone frown, she wanted to fix something----anything, so she walked over to Minnie, wrapping her arm around her shoulder.

"I know we just met, but is everything ok? I don't like to see someone upset." Dahyun pouted, and Minnie smiled. Dahyun was too pure for this world.

"Ah, I'm alright. I've been through a lot in the past few days, things you probably wouldn't understand." Minnie responded, leaning into Dahyun's hold. Something about the bright girl made her comfortable.

"Try me. You would be surprised at how much I've been through." Dahyun questioned, while Minnie's eyes widened a little, not expecting such a response.

"I'm a fallen angel. I had everything planned out in Heaven, but I sinned, and lost everything that I've ever known in the matter of a little over 24 hours.

I miss my family, my friends, and the feeling of familiarity. Being casted into this unknown world hasn't been so easy for me to grasp." Minnie sighed, an emptiness forming in her heart due to the absence of her friends that she missed so much.

"That's understandable. I can imagine how confused you must be, I've hit that point of confusion too. I know how it feels." Dahyun responded, and Minnie quirked her eyebrows.

"You're fallen too?" Minnie asked, anything was possible down here.

"Not quite. I'm actually from the mortal world, the divider." Dahyun informed, and Minnie gasped, amazed. She hadn't ever heard anything about the mortal world, ever.

"How did you get here?" Minnie asked Dahyun, who let out a laugh, a sad one at that.

"My brother and I lived together with our parents, who both died in a car crash. After their death, my brother changed, he became wicked.

I found out that he had made some deals with people down here, how he did that, I'm still unsure of. He never kept his end of the bargain, and they were gonna bring him down to Hell, but I sacrificed myself, and I got transported down here.

The first person who found me was Sana, and I've been with her ever since." Dahyun smiled at the end,  Sana was always very loyal and dependent.

"I guess we're more alike than I imagined. I'm sorry for devaluing you, Dahyun." Minnie smiled grimly, now feeling a sense of guilt.

"Don't worry about it. My personality is quite conflicting. Perhaps I'll walk you to the office, how does that sound?" Dahyun asked softly, and Minnie nodded, following the other down the hall and into the office.

Dahyun opened the door of the office, gently pushing Minnie in front of her, closing the door. Sana smiled at her lover, who responded with her infamous crescent eyes, a sight Sana would treasure forever.

"Where did you go, Minnie?" Soojin asked, and Dahyun laughed.

"I had a discussion with her, that's all." She responded, and Minnie smiled softly.

"She's very smart." Minnie added, looking at Sana, who laughed proudly. Dahyun was smarter than she seemed, her bubbly personality being the focal point, not her intelligence.

"She sure is. You can sit down right next to Soojin." Sana smiled, and Minnie took the chair, sitting down, while Dahyun bid them goodbye.

"So what's up? You guys haven't been here in a while." Sana asked, curiosity outlining her features.

Minnie looked at Sana, who seemed to dominate the room with her alluring aura, along with Soojin, of course.

Her bright orange hair and light brown eyes would have been appalling in Heaven, but Minnie could appreciate the uniqueness.

"Minnie here is a fallen angel, exactly like Soyeon, who's related to her. She and I both have identical bracelets, and we were hoping that you might be able to find out whether we have any relation to each other, or possibly how the bracelets are related." Soojin explained, with Sana nodded, cracking her knuckles.

"Sure thing. Can you two give me both of your bracelets?" Sana asked, holding both of her hands out separately, while Minnie and Soojin each put their bracelets into Sana's respective hands.

They waited for about a minute, while Sana had her eyes closed in concentration while the bracelets glowed bright red. Sana eventually opened her eyes, shocked with the unexpected outcome.

"I'm glad you two came here. If these bracelets get into the wrong hands, something bad will happen." Sana breathed out, an anxious look dawning on her face.

"What did you find?" Soyeon asked intently, while Sana returned the bracelets back to their rightful owners.

"Normally, my skill allows me to just see whether two items have some relation, possibly through the owner. This time though, I was transported into a whole other world. Something with a bunch of white and a large book that floated in the air.

I'm assuming off of the materials that these bracelets are indeed related, especially since they both glowed when I touched them. However, I can't really pinpoint the actual relation of them since my mind got blocked by something different. I'm sorry." Sana apologized, while Soojin sighed.

"It's alright, thank you for trying though. We'll try to figure this out, and we'll come back once we get an answer." Soojin replied, getting up out of her seat, bidding Sana goodbye, with Soyeon following, leaving Minnie alone for a second time.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't help you guys, normally things like this don't happen." Sana pouted, while Minnie smiled reassuringly.

"No worries, besides you and your girlfriend are great people. She's very intelligent and comforting. You two look cute together. Tell her thank you for me, will you?" Minnie asked Sana, who happily nodded.

"I should go now. See you soon!" Minnie chirped, leaving Sana in her office and running to catch up with Soyeon.

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