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Steve pov.

I walk into karma's room to see her crying into her teddies situated on her bed. "Oh Princess" I say walking over to her. I think I have only seen her cry about 5 times since we adopted her. "Princess talk to me. Come on honey" I say.

I sit on the bed, back against the headboard. She rolls and buries her face in my chest. "I want him back. I want them all back. I'm my fault. If i had only..."

"Princess you didn't do anything. It's all of us. WE couldn't stop him not just you. We all want them back but we all know thats not gonna happen. The stones are gone. Princess I need you to calm down. Getting stressed out won't help you or the baby. Breathe sweetheart." I say placing a hand on her baby bump.

She was 4 months pregnant with a baby boy and since she found out she's been extremely depressed. Bucky and hers dream was to be free and start a new life, start a family. She doesn't want to do it alone. "I know. I know but I can't help it. Most things that have gone wrong in this world were my fault so why not blame this on me"

"Karma for fuck sake for once listen to your father" Tony says walking into the room. "It's not your fault"

"Hey dad" she says wrapping her arms around him.

"When did you get back" I ask as Tony sits the other side of karma.

"About an hour ago" he says as our daughter curls up into his side. "What's wrong princess"

"Miss buck petey and harls"

"Oh honey we all miss them aswell. Try and sleep ok. I need to speak to your father so you get some rest." He says then kisses her forehead. He gets off the bed and heads to the door.

I get up, kiss her forehead then follow Tony to his room. "What's up" I ask the genius.

"I vowed to never tell you this but after the divorce I found out I was pregnant after I had lost the baby" he says just coming our with it.

"Wait what" I say in complete shock. "You where pregnant. We had a baby. But I thought you couldn't... We tried, it never..."

"I have no idea. All I know is that after the airport fight I had a miscarriage of a baby I never new existed. I made the kids promise they would never tell you bearing in mind you just tried to kill me."

"I understand that, I just don't know how that is even possible. You had the tests"

"I know I know. The bigger problem is that I'm pregnant again" he says and once again I'm in shock. Of fuck, Tony and I hooked up didn't we. Shit. That was almost a month ago and a lot of shit has happened since then.

"What" I say.

"We're having a baby. A biological child."

"Are you..."

"I'm keeping it don't worry but I don't know if this will get us back together. After the lies the secrets I don't think we could work. That won't stop you from see it's though, if you want to be part of his or her life"

"Tony I understand I'm just happy your keeping"

"You know how much we have always wanted this. I couldn't do that"

superfamily: never stop loving you. book 2Where stories live. Discover now