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Trees are blooming,birds are singing,on days like this bots like them.

Should be going for a flight.

Up in the sky a grey,black(R.I.P. cri)and purple jet could be seen,moving everywhere but straight.

It was the decepticon known as Blitzwing.

"It is good to finaly ze able to fly vithout having to vorry about autobots chassing us"Blitzwing said to themselfs.

inside they're head sat two replicas of they're bipedal mode,one had a red face a shining red visor covering his eyes,if he where to talk you could see a tooth gap.

the other had a black face,hes eyes and mouth having a red jacko lantern look.

they looked to be staring at nothing,but if you where to be one of them you would know they where looking thru the one in controls eyes.

"I guess"the red faced one said,the jet suddenly started dropping down,fast.

"RANDOM!"the jacko lantern faced one was replaced with a blue face,his right eye red while the other looked like a tinted red monocle.

"That luks soooo cool!"Random said as they transformed and looked at a tree which had a shard stuck in it,big as a minibots hand.

a spun from they're faceplate and the red face appeared.

"Vat is zat?"the grit they're teeth,a click and whirr.

"A allspark did ve not zee it in are scanners?"Random jumped on their feet and piped up"Vho cares vell take it to Mega!"the red faced one sighed"Icy logic later ve need to get zis to lord Megatron first"

Icy nodded and grabbed the shard and pulled lightly,they looked at it with curiosity.

"Icy snap out of it!"Icy shook they're head"Sorry Hothead,Random next time tell us if jou see something shiny instead of dashing vhere it is"they received a quick alright.

They where about to transform when the shard glowed and they felt themselfs being pulled.


When Icy opened his eyes he was confused to see a giant cybertronian,and old one at that and being on his hand.

"Hey Icy finaly avake now!"he heard Random,when he turned around where the voice was to see him standing up, a crazy grin on his face.

looking behind Random he saw Hothead with his arms crossed.

he got up,about to ask how they are right infront of him when he heard the old cybertronian start talking.

"Now,now,i brought you here for a mission,many know me by Primus"he looked back at,now Primus with opened mouths.

"VAT?!"screamed Hothead,he started screaming about things he didn't care.

The look on Radoms face showed pure horror.

he looked at Primus calmly,even if inside he was dying.

"Vhat kind of mission?"he asked,Primus chuckled"I need you three in another dimension where you would help the autobots end the war,i know you wo-"he was cut off by him"Vill do it" two screams of 'Vats' was heard behind him,he didn't look.

"Alright,but before i do"they where suddenly on ground.

"I want to give you one gift each"they all looked at echother confused.

"Hothead my gift to you is being to tell if someone is lying by looking into they're spark,use it wisely"Hotheads eyes behind his visor turned yellow almost gold,he nodded.

"Random"the one being called stiffen"My gift to you is being able to teleport in anywhere you want,i will give you the intire dimensions places to teleport to,do not use it to many times or you will start to feel tired,maybe purge"Randoms spark felt weird and he had spots he had never seen before in his head.

"Icy,my gift to you is being able to make fake clones of yourself they would evaporate if they die or you think of them disappearing"Icy felt his microscope zoom in and zoom out,he didn't realise the glass was now tinted in dark blue instead of red.

they looked at Primus,waited to see if the god wanted to say more.

"Now are you ready to go?"the three nodded,Primus smiled as he started to disappear"Go,i wish you all luck"

They're vision went white...



I remembered a story i read on about blitzwing in the bayverse universe or dimension watever you want to call it.

they're where only 4 parts and i started to read it again and thought,how about i make one of my own.

im so lucky i have netflix right now...

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