Chapter 3

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As the others transformed,they looked down.

Icy jou okay?

Im fine,just really tired i might just sleep...

Do it idiot ve don't need a fatigue personality!


Random giggled before jumping high in the air,Lennox and Sam gasped.

they jump high... both humans thought.

They transformed wobbleing a bit as they started flying,they followed the autobots,going left and right.

"Do they always do that?"Jazz asked himself,the mechs above looked like they weren't able to fly straight.

"Im having them go to the medbay when we arrive.."Ratchet said from behind,Jazz shuddered.

Hope they don't struggle...


When they arrived and transformed,they gaped as Random crashed into the buildings entrance.

They transformed and giggled,their vision was showing everything upside down for some reason.

"Yup into the medbay you go!"Ratched walked over to the tripple changer and grabbed their arm and started to drag the mechs.

Random didn't struggle,they where to frozen to...


Bumblebee watched as the tripple changer ran out of the room.

"Aaaand?"he asked as Ratchet came out of the medbay,the medic had a worried look on his face.

"They are fine with flying,the coding is just like that,what im worried about is the mechs were scared the whole time they were in here,Megatron did something to them,something traumatizing"

the yellow bot frowned,how can someone be so scared of a medbay that it's traumatizing?

"Well Optimus wants to talk to them,do you know where they could have gone?"Ratched shrugged"Maybe the vents the one called Random said they like crawling in them"

Bumblebee sighed and started to walk in the rec room.

time for vent catching...


time for vent catching!

Icy is so gonna be confused when he wakes up..

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