Chapter 5

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After waiting for who knows how long they were found by the mech with alot of guns attached to him...

How does he valk?

I vish i had it like him...

They walked into the rec room where eveyone was there,he was told to sit down but declined.

Their was silence for a moment before Optimus spoke"Well let me introduse you to my soldiers,my lieutenant Jazz"the said mech grinned at them"Our chief medic Ratchet"Ratchet huffed"Our weapons specialist Ironhide"Ironhide put a guns barrel in their face before asking.

"You fellin'lucky punk?"they let Hothead take over as they're face spun and brought a hand down,they growled at the armed mech.

Optimus cleared his throat and they're attention was to him again.

"Our scout Bumblebee"The yellow autobot put a hand where the dent Hothead made as they looked at him.

"This is Captain Lennox"A human walked over to them and smiled"Hey there big guys"Hothead eyed him for a second before nodding.

"Sam Witwicky"Sam waved at them with a nervous smile"And Mikaela Banes"She waved at them"My designation is Optimus Prime"Hothead nodded..before he froze.

Ooooo~nice names!

"Next time jou vake up Random..TELL US!"Hothead shouted at Random,the others looked stunned,were they talking to themeselfs?


"Jou definetly aren't"they grumbled out.

Jou know me so vell big brother!

They ignored the other and looked at the autobots to see them staring"Vat are jou idiots staring at!?"some looked away others still stared.

"Mind telling what that was?"Ratchet asked gritting his teeth.

Icy,who was silent for a while took control.

"Three minds in one body iz confusing iz it not?"they asked,the bots and humans heads in the room clicked and nodded.

A click and whirr and Random took control"now vho vants to learn how to dance!"they asked bouncing,almost all the bots and humans in the room facepalmed execpt for Ratchet and Optimus.

"What actually is your designation anyway?You said Random,Hothead and Icy are nicknames"Jazz asked,Icy took control and sighed.

"Are actual name is,Blitzwing"


What an introduction!

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