Chapter 2

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A couple of minutes past as they waited.

a click and whirr,Hothead stomped with their foot on the ground making large cracks.

their posture slugish they crossed they're arms angerly"Vats taking so long?!"Icy sighed and rubbed his face in the void he was in.

"Ve have to be patient Hothead,please-"a spun and the decepticon flinched as they felt the clones die one by one.

"Zey are not that sturdy it seems!"Random giggled out,Icy rolled their eye and looked back to see the humans gone.


Vat do jou think?

Ve are talking like zis now?

It is kinda more easy like zis so maybe

Ve are talking thru are minds!how is zis more easy?

It is because i von't have any headaches like zis

isn't it vats supposed to do?


They shooked their head,no time for arguing,they heard cars some helicopters and a..truck.

"Guess he still has zat"they mumbled out,the others didn't respond.

a click and whirr and Random was in control,They tilted they're head as their legs wobbled and fell,he got up with their hands and stood on all fours.

Making those clones drained me

Random nodded and looked up at a building and patted over to it,they sat down and focused.

they jumped high and landed on the roof,they turned around and sat on their stomach like a cat would and waited as they saw a couple of cars,ambulance,two helicopters and a truck who was leading.

They clossed their eyes and waited...they heard the transformations from below and grinned,opening their eyes they jumped to they're feet(which is on all four)and looked down.

down below the autobots where shocked.

"Wait that is a decepticon?i would mistake it for a neutral entertainer with that face!"Jazz said walking up to Optimus.

Ironhide scowled"Well Prime?do we attack him?"Sam who was besides bumblebee spoke"He isn't attacking,maybe we can talk to him?"Ratched huffed"And ask how he made those holograms,that isn't the face we saw on them though"

Sam was about to speak again but was cut off when they heard a giggle,they looked up again,Random jumped and landed before sitting,tilting their head at the autobots.

Optimus took a step forward"What is you're designation?"Random eyes widen in exitement.

They spoke"Name?Random!-"the others jerked back as the bots face spun,the blue face they saw on the holograms appeared.

they sat us with their back straight"Icy-"another spun and a visor appeared on the bots face now.

"Hothead..."they mumbled out back slugish and arms crossed.

"Did his face just spin?"Sam spoke,his voice cracked at the end,Hothead looked down and stared.

"I swear to Primus,how many humans jou have ill punch ze clossest bot"they gritt their teeth showing a tooth gap.

Bumblebee suddenly was in their face,he backed up and looked at Optimus"Optimus hes clearly wanting to show violence didn't you hear him"Hothead growled and punched him,the yellow bot yelped.

Ironhide catched the now head dented bot"I fucking DARE jou to call me a he again!"Sam walked over,gulping as Hothead looked at him.

"So your a femme?"he was imediatly responded"NO,JOU IDIOT!IT'S THEY CALL ME THEY IF I FIND ANYONE CALLING ME SOMETHING ELSE IM KICKING THEIR ASS!"Ratched walked over with his hands up.

"Alright they it is,can you tell us why you suddenly appeared?"he medic asked.

a click and whirr,Random popped in"Ve vant to be a autobot,Mega did zis to us a long time ago at the begining of the var and ve escaped in a pod,ve had been sleeping and vaiting for some autobot to join their side!"

"Why did we see you're signal now?"Ratched asked with a brow raised,Random giggled as they walked to a helicopter that was now on the ground,a human coming out of it.

"Ve are able to make are signal dissapear at vill!"they put their head down and opened they're mouth.

their tounge shot out and started pocking at the human with it,Lennox was very weirded out.

"maybe we should disscuse this at base"Random shot their head up and nodded,tounge sticking out.


that was one hell of a punch.

poor bee

Icy need sleep he to tire owo

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