Chapter 14

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"Sam,the twins and Bumblebee told us you revived the matrix"Optimus said,almost all the crew were there,Bubmlebe,Mikaela and Sam were the only ones not there,Random was still giggling at the way he gave Optimus the matrix back.

He quieted at that and they flinched when the leader spoke,they flinched even harder when Ratchet spoke"Bumblebe said you're a triple changer"if they could sweat they would be making a pool by now.

"Care fo tell us,Blitzwing?"Ironhide growled out,they sighed and nodded.

Tell zem?really Icy?



Ve completed are mission did ve not?

I guess...


"Ve vere send by Primus on a mission"there was some gasps and shocked stares.

"To end the var in zis dimension,and ve did,so vhere going to leave now"Ratched growled"Nobody has ever spoken to Primus in eons,how do we know you're not lying?"Icy sighed,before explaining as short as he could.

"A triple changer iz very rare im guessing for zis dimension,but for ares,ve are the only,dis abilitys ve have vould have not been posible to be upgraded as a triple changer normaly,ve vould have died after the sugery then.So Primus gave it to us as a gift"he took a breather.

"Our room has a hole somevhere that has our actual room from our dimension underground"they turned around and started walking outside.

"Ve vant to visit of course so don't get rid of it please"a click and whirr and Random took control"Ve vill visit once a veek~"they sang,they're face span again and Hothead took control.

"Ve vill explain more some other time"they were outside of base now,turning around they saw soldeirs and the mechs and femmes looking at them.

Hothead nodded at them and Random took control,giggling as light started showing thru their frame they said one last thing.

"Here ve come Mega!"


And finished,wow i actually did something i thought i never would.

oh wait no.

theres a epilouge too...

oh no...

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