The Mortal

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The lights began to flicker gently and a small breeze blew in from the nearby window. The air was humid and thick, the kind of air that crept through a summer's night, when a storm brewed in the shadows. There was the faint whisper of a cricket that could barely be heard above the rhythmic sounds of the brook nearby

I let down my long dark hair and shook it out as it tumbled into loose waves past my shoulders. The scent of a fire nearby burning filled my senses as I curled up onto the sofa chair in my bedroom and closed my eyes. The breeze I could feel was growing stronger, and in the far distance a low rumble of thunder could be heard. I sat there for a moment, basking in the humid glow of the summer night, completely unaware of the pair of eyes that began to watch me. Suddenly from across the room came a voice, and I shuddered as I opened my eyes to the sound of it.

"I have been watching you." The voice said lowly. He appeared standing before me, in full aspect. His jet black hair framed his pale skin, creating the perfect canvas for a set of piercing emerald colored eyes. He was tall, taller than I had imagined, and his long dark cloak was tucked neatly behind him. Beneath his cloak I could make out a glimmer of gold and green plated buckles that formed his gauntlets. He wore tall black boots that shone almost as brightly as the jeweled collar that framed his neck. I gasped and stood up from the sofa chair. He walked towards me slowly with a mischievous grin across his face.

"I did not intend to frighten you, my pet. Please do not scream, it took quite a bit of magic for me to get here unnoticed. At least, promise you will not scream, yet." He said as he traced his hands across the coverlet of the bed. I stood up from the chair to face him. I could feel every inch of my skin beginning to crawl at the sound of his voice. It was smooth and low, a voice you would use to coax a timid mouse. "I simply came to spend some time with you, I do know how much you adore me, and quite frankly I could use the company at this most difficult time." He shot a smile at me, stopping just a few feet away from where I stood. My eyes travelled along his tall figure and enveloped every line of his aspect.

"Whatever you would like, my King." I whispered to him. His mouth turned up even more at those words and he began to walk slowly towards me again with a fixed gaze.

"I do not usually walk among this realm." He said. "When I do, it is to simply seek those who desire to be around me. I get great pleasure from it. Especially amongst my more trying days." His eyes then shifted away from me towards the bed.

"Will this be agreeable for you?" He asked me, his green eyes begged me to be cooperative as if he had come knowing how willing I would be to obey his every command.

He reached out with one amber glowing hand through the air and the book I had been reading closed shut beside me. I smiled at the sight of the magic he used to perform the sweet trick.

"Of course." I said as he placed his hand around my face, his grip gently squeezed the curve of my neck. He let go and sat in the chair I had just risen from. He looked troubled, and as if he something to say, but was not quite sure if he could. I knelt down before him and placed my hands around his knees. He brought one finger up to his mouth and looked at me with a pensive expression on his face.

"What is it my King?" I asked him. He reached for a brush I had on my nightstand next to us and motioned for me to turn away from him. I gently placed my head on his thigh as he began to run the brush through my hair, occasionally smoothing the strands purposely with his fingers. I could already feel my arousal at his touch.

"I have never felt so alone." He said to me. "How is it that one can have all the treasures they desire, yet still feel unsatisfied?" He asked as he stroked my hair. I wrapped my hands around his sinewy limbs and sighed deeply. I was not sure what felt better, the touch of him beneath my fingers, or the strokes of his hands on my hair. All I knew is I wanted more of him, all of him.

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