chapter two

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the sun was beginning to set on the navy blue ocean when Sammy, Cayla, cameron, lily, nash, and Jenna finally pulled up.

we all sat around the bonfire on tree logs and lawn chairs wrapped in blankets. it wasnt too cold since it was California but it was a little chilly because we all were wet with shorts and tanks on.

Sammy and cayla were basically making out on the sand while cameron and lily got up to go in the tent to 'talk' ew. nash and Jenna had fallen asleep and jack j and amber were talking and messing around.

everyone seemed to be in a perfect relationship while me and jack just enjoyed our friendship with each other. I admit I like jack a little, okay a lot. he is perfect. but I don't think he likes me plus if we ever dated i would get so much hate.

jack suddenly reached over and grabbed my cold hands my pulled me out of the chair.

"lets take a walk"

"okay, let me grab a shirt" I said realizing I was still in my swim suit top. jack had just noticed to and gawked at my body. I blushed bright red and tried to hide it with my hair.

jack lifted my head and tucked the hair behind my ear. he looked into my eyes and kissed my cheek.

"don't hide it beautiful" he whispered into my ear.

he did things like this all the time, but it's just a joke we are only friends. we've never kissed because like I said we are only friends. if he liked me wouldn't he have kissed me.?

I turned away quick, my heart pounding.

"here, take this." jack handed me his red flannel and I slipped it on it was too big but I could tell he thought it was cute.

we laced fingers and headed down to the water and walked along the slow tides rolling in.

jack started humming a tune. it was sweet. I looked up at him and stepped so we were face to face.

"sing it"

"I dont have all the words. I just came up with it now." he blushed that I noticed him.

I pushed out my bottom lip and sat in the water to pout. he looked down at me and let out a sigh. his face lit up and he flashed his perfect white smile.

"I'll be back stay here." jack ran off and was back in about 5 minutes with his guitar and a basket.

he locked our hands together and lead me out of the water up onto the sand.
he set everything down and gave me a towel to dry off.

he pulled out a picnic blanket and laid it down. he took out a match and lit some candles that were stuck in the ground.

jack took the towel and threw it on the ground picked me up then set me down on the blanket.

why was he being so sweet?
this was all so romantic...

he picked up his guitar and sat next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"what do you wanna hear" he whispered

"play what you were humming"

he started strumming and I wanted to cry. I'm so proud of him and johnson. they have come so far, they deserve all this. the fame, the fans, everything.

he began to sing. I smiled at his tired but still graceful voice.

"when the tides the drag you down, when the tides they drag you out. down under." he sang

I closed my eyes and hummed along with jack.

jack finished and set the guitar aside. he turned to face me and put my hands in his. he rubbed my thumbs and kissed my hand.

tears formed in my eyes. why did his fame have to take over my jack. I wish so badly we could be together. I like him so much.

"one day I'm gonna move out here to California and live on the beach."

"that sounds perfect." I said looking up to meet his eyes.

"I want you to come with." when he spoke his voice cracked. I noticed he was crying.

"I'd love to. whats wrong jack?" I scooted closer to see him better.

"I'm sorry Alex. I'm so sorry." he unlaced our hands and put them over his face. jack let out a sob and looked away biting his lip trying to hide more tears.

"why are you sorry? jack. talk to me please." I felt a tear roll down my cold cheek.

he looked into my eyes. "I'm sorry I can't give you what I know you want. because I know that what you want i what I want too. I want to be with you Alex!" he got a little louder his face turning red because he was so frustrated with himself

"I want to wrap you in my arms every night in my bed and kiss you in the rain forever. I just want you Alex. and I can't have you. it terrifies me."

I wiped my tears and leaned over to his face. I took the flannels sleeve and brushed off his hot streaming tears. I locked my eyes with his red eyes.

"jack I want to be with you too. it's okay. we are together. and as long as we are here we are together. as long as I'm breathing we are together. don't be sorry, I know that if you could give me everything I want you would and I would do the same." he finally smiled a bit.

jack rubbed his thumbs on my face. the space between us grew smaller and smaller until I felt his lips connect with mine. I ran my fingers threw the back of his hair. we didn't deepen the kiss but more of savored it. it was perfect so full of passion, nothing like I have ever felt before.

he slowly traced my mouth with his tongue never breaking the synch of motion. he pulled away breathing heavy. he picked me up and pulled out a blanket and pulled it over us. he smiled into my eyes and kissed me one last time.

I turned on my side and closed my eyes. jacks muscular arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me in close to his body keeping me warm. he kissed my neck. I drifted off to sleep while trying to figure out what just happened. I cried silently, but it was happy. no sobs just a few tears, was he actually mine now?


soooooo. yikes. I have no idea what I just created. oops. I started crying today while watching old edits from magcon and digi tour.

I might, possibly, update again with chapter three tonight(:

love you~bk

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