chapter 11

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I woke up smiling. taylor and I have been going on actual dates almost 3 times a week now for a month, yet he hadn't asked me to be official his girlfriend. I just had this strange feeling that today was gonna be a perfect day. my morning got even better when I rolled over and saw taylor peacefully sleeping next to me. I leaned down and kissed his cheek. Then got up and started making some coffee. taylor slowly woke up and stretched.

"good morning." he kissed my neck and placed his warm arms on my waist.

I turned to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him down to my lips. I kissed him and felt him smile into the kiss it made me laugh a little for some reason, and suddenly I couldn't stop. I pulled away and burst into laughter as taylor stood starting at me confused. the look on his face made me laugh even harder. my stomach began cramping and I fell into the floor grabbing my side. suddenly it wasn't so funny anymore and it hurt like hell.

"ow shit." I mumbled.

taylor walked over to me on the ground and kissed my forehead.

"you adorable." he giggled picking me up from the ground bridal style.

taylor walked over to the couch and laid me down he knelt beside the couch leaning over me. He leaned over and kissed my nose, then my cheek, then my jaw, and then my neck. I gasped and bit my lip.

"now," taylor smirked

"I believe we were in the middle of something." he smirked kissing my lips.

his soft lips felt perfect. it's was like our lips were meant for each other as we moved together in perfect sync. taylor traced my lips and I gave him what he was asking for. our lips were moving together steady but hard, neither of us giving in and letting the other take control. everything in this moment was just perfect.

*bird tweet* (the ringtone)

taylor paused for a second and looked at my phone but not pulling out of our kiss. we decided it was nothing and continued.

*bird tweet*

taylor got up but I pulled him back.

"it's fine leave it. it's probably just one of the guys." I said bringing our lips back together.

*bird tweet*

*bird tweet*

*bird tweet*

*phone ringing.(the song buck wild)*

I pushed taylor off me and ran to my phone.
only one person in my contacts had that ring tone. I couldn't believe it! it had been so long since I last talked to her.

"holy shit! it's trinidy!" I screamed at taylor before answering the phone

"hey trin!"

"hey oh my god it's been forever since I've heard your voice alex you have know idea how much I missed it." she sounded kind of sad, it bothered me.

"what's up? you sound upset."

'what's wrong with trin?' taylor mouthed at me while I tried to listen.
I gave him the hang on and shut up look as I turned up the volume on my phone.

"well remember that guy Kyle I was with."

"yeah. you guys have been together for like a year and 1/2 now haven't you! that's amazing." I smiled remembering how happy she was when Kyle would talk to her.

"yeah. well I guess we aren't together now and this is all so over whelming." she started crying into the phone and I could tell she was gonna start to panic any second.

"calm down trinidy. take a deep breath and tell me what happened."

"oh my god god Alex I can't calm down! I think Kyle got me pregnant!" she yelled

"I took 2 different tests and they both were positive. my parents kicked me out of the house and I have nobody! do you know what's it's like to have nobody. I already grew up in a shitty house with my drunk dad and slutty mom, now I really am alone. I don't have a job or any money and everyone I know is in another state. your the only person I trust enough that I'm willing to drive hours to talk to." she cried and sobbed in between her words.

"trinidy where are you now?"

"don't get mad. I'm on my way to your condo. I called your parents and they told me just to come down and they said they were coming down to restock you food in 3 days anyway so they would help me then. I'm so sorry Alex. I can't believe I didn't see this coming. I should have listened to you when I first started talking to Kyle. I shouldn't have ever gone in that first date and none of this would have ever happened."

"it's fine. don't be sorry trinidy we all mess up. my parents love you and so do I we will help you. how far are you from my place?"

"about 15 minutes." she sighed

"okay I'm gotta get changed. I'll talk to you more when you get here. drive safe."

"okay bye. thank you so much. I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled a bit hoping she was feeling a little better now that she knew I was gonna be there for her through all this. she didn't deserve for Kyle to treat her like this. that piece of shit, he's lucky he lives 14 hours away so I can't kick his ass right now.

I hung up and told taylor everything. all he could do was sit there and holdback his tears while I let all of mine go. taylor had also been best friends with trinidy when we all used to hang out in highschool. he hasn't seen her in a longer time than I have so it really shocked him that she had even had sex considering how smart she was in high school. and she was being smart. she thought she really loved him. but I guess she didn't see what was coming. taylor cared so much for trinidy, he was always like a big brother to her. he loved her more than anything in the world. he finally let out his tears.

"how could I have let this happen to her. I was supposed to always protect trinidy and I let her down." taylor cried

"taylor you couldn't have done anything to stop this. it was part of her own decision to have sex with Kyle anyways she just has to learn from this." I said wiping the tears for his cheeks and rubbing his back.

"I just love trinidy so much I hate having her hurt." he sobbed

"it'll all turn out fine I promise." I smiled into Taylor's red eyes and pecked his lips before getting up to clean for when trinidy got here.


uh. well then. not much to say about this chapter haha. it took forever to write it. I was really deciding of I liked it or not. anyways sorry for the wait..

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