chapter three

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I woke up with jacks arm on my thigh and the sun shining right in my eyes. jack sat up and yawned.
"good morning" he croaked
"morning" I half smiled
"I feel terrible" I groaned checking my phone for the time. it was 8:30 and I had over 100 tweets. confused I read a few.
'@jackjackjohnson: @******** - I totally ship this.(:'
'@jackjackjohnson: @**** - oh my god, ew.'
'@jackjackjohnson: @****** - awe(;'
all of the tweets were to Johnson and had a pictures attached... what was he up to this time, ugh.

I unlocked my phone and got on Twitter trying not to notice all the tweets to me. jack had tweeted a pic to all his fans a collage of pictures with jack and I through out the night. including one of him singing to me, and then, oh my god. one of him with his hands holding my face leaning in for our first kiss. jack stood up I got up and grabbed his shoulder. his body tensed up at my touch.

" don't jack. " I begged him
"did you see this alex! you know how much shit your gonna get now!"jack yelled his face red
"yes I saw it I got hate but I also got some encouragement. it's okay jack. leave him be."
he softened up a little when he saw my concerned look.
I grabbed his hand and locked our fingers together.
"let's go back to the group." I calmly suggested praying he wouldn't kill jack when he saw him.

jack agreed and we started walking. a few people along the beach gave me glares and few smiled and giggled pointing. my hand was cramping so I let go of jack and after that two guys came walking by in their swimming trunks. I guess they were attractive but nothing compared to jack.
"hey beautiful, got a number?" one asked as he slipped between jack and I.
"umm actually I-"
he cut me off and wrapped his arm around my back with his hand touching my butt. I gasped right before jack pulled the guy away from me. he balled his hand into a fist and pushed the guy onto the sand.
"who the fuck do you think you are asshole!" jack screamed clenching his jaw with his fist turning white from squeezing it so tight.
"she's not a slut so get your douche bag ass out of my sight before I pound your face in!" he got closer in the guys face spitting as he spoke
"jack stop! it's okay, he's just some kid." I pulled on jacks arm.
"yeah listen to the lady dude. she liked it, I could tell." he winked
jack punched the guy in the face and pushed him over making a fist again threatening to punch him again.
"you're not worth breaking my fist against your face. get out of my sight or I'll chase you down and cut off your balls."
the guy hopped up and ran as fast as his feet could carry him up to his friend.

jack turned back and put his arm around my waist under the flannel on my skin and pulled me in close.
"his ass got lucky." he said still obviously still upset
"jack I'm not your property, you can't just go around beating people up." I was completely serious.
"I don't know what happened to you, you are so protective suddenly."
jack stepped back confused.
"what? what do you mean." he raised his voice a little
"jack calm down. just please stop being so protective I can care for myself."
"are you fucking kidding me Alex! sorry next time I'll let the guy rape you and stand there doing nothing. sorry." he walked off running one hand through his hair.
I stood in shock for one second then took off running towards him.

I walked right in front of him and he turned away looking to the ocean.
"jack, don't be mad at me."
he didn't respond just stared away from my direction.
"jack come on. I'm sorry I didn't know it would upset you so much." I begged.
he still wouldn't answer. he just looked straight forward not making eye contact.
I sat in the sand and sighed giving up. I leaned on his legs. I couldn't help but let a tear fall. then he lifted me up from the ground.
"you know what upsets me? what upsets me is that I'm trying to protect you cause I care about you and you don't even realize it." he whispered looking down at his feet.
"I do know how much you care! I care about you too, I care so much about you jack. you just don't have to be so protective of me. it's not like we are dating and you have a good reason to protect me." as soon as I said it I knew it was wrong.
"a good reason? how about the fact that I've known you for my whole life and I don't feel comfortable letting random asshole touch you. I mean are you kidding me right now! I thought we had something Alex. what was last night if we don't have something between us!? he looked up at me and his eyes were red with tears
"jack." tears ran down my warm cheeks.
"I'm sorry jack. I didn't know you actually felt that way. I thought I was the only one feeling anything between us." I grabbed his hands and kissed his cheek.
"can we just forget I said anything" I said pulling him into a hug
"yeah let's go jack says their leaving in an hour." he said smiling trying to make a better topic.

holy crap.
sorry it took so long to update,yikes.
anyways love you guys ~bk

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