A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...
For thousands of years, the Jedi Knights have served the Republic as defenders of peace and justice throughout the Galaxy.
In a distant world called Earth, a young girl strong in the Force attempts to break free from a life of pain and torment under a cruel and vicious criminal.
As the girl makes her escape, she soon finds salvation in the form of a famed Jedi Master where she soon finds a new and better path set before her....
Jedi Protector (MHA X Star Wars)
AcciónFor all her life, Eri's life was fill with pain and torment. After making yet another attempt to escape from Overhaul's cruelty, Eri's path is forever changed when she encounters Jedi Master K'Kruhk. Sensing the Force in her, K'Kruhk frees Eri from...