Early: Part 3

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I couldn't sleep, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't sleep. I just couldn't get my mind off Dylan.

Thomas made me go back to my hotel room but I kept insisting that I should stay with Dylan. He convinced me to leave the hospital.

I told Thomas I was going to wake up early to see Dylan.

Wes gave everyone the day off because of the Dylan situation. I look at my phone as it reads 5:15am.

I let out a sigh and decide I'm going to the hospital. I brush my long thick brown hair and put on foundation and mascara. I opened my door and head to the elevator.

I am currently walking out of the elevator when I see Thomas sitting on one of the chairs in the lobby on his phone.

He looks up at me and smiles even though I gave him a questioning look.

Thomas stands up and walks to the front doors. He is about to walk out but he turns around and gestures his hand for me to come over "Come on lets go"

I smile and walk up to him and we walk out of the hotel together.

"Thanks Thomas" I say as we walk to my rental.

"Yeah no problem" He replies and he ruffles up my hair.

I smile at him, and smack his arm with the back of my hand.

Thomas giggles and smirks at me.

We get into the rental and I put in the keys. "Music?" I ask him.

Thomas nods. I turn on the radio and it starts playing 'Mansion' by NF.

"I love this song!" I say softly as I start to drive out of the parking lot.

Thomas giggles at me.

I sing silently to the song as Thomas stares out of the window.

After the song ends he smiles at me.

I keep my eyes on the road and once we stop at a stop light I ask him while I turn down the music "Do you think he's fine?"

Thomas gives me a weird look and says "It's Dylan he's fine, he'll get out of the coma any day now"

I can tell when he said that he wasn't completely sure if it was true. I swallow and say "But what if he doesn't and he stays in the coma for months, what's gonna happen for his acting career?"

"Kylie" is all he says.

I have my eyes on the road and I quickly glance at him then back at the road.

"Dylan will be fine." he keeps talking to me and reassuring me then he says "Plus he has a great sister who takes care of him and would do anything for him, well actually do anything for anyone."

I weakly smile at his words. Then I take a quick glance at him and smile. "Thanks Thomas, you're the best"

He smiles at me and then he continues to support me.

We finally get to the hospital and we are outside of Dylan's room. I open the door and see him on the hospital bed.

I take two steps and stop in my tracks. Thomas is right behind me and he puts his hands on my shoulders to comfort me.

I take a breath and start walking again. I walk up to Dylan's bed. My thighs touch the side of the bed.

I hear Thomas walk up to me, he wraps his right arm around my right shoulder.

After a while he notices my eyes are beginning to water. He pulls me into him and wraps his other arm around me.

I hug him back. I let a few tears fall. A rush of comfort comes over me, I feel... At home.

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