The Rink: Part 6

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Dylan told us to leave since we have been with him for two hours already so we do as he wishes. Angela decided to stay with Dypan instead of going with Thomas and I.

We arrive at the skating place. I huff out a breath of air and mumble "Time to die"

I hear Thomas giggle, he grabs my hand and starts to pull me to the doors. I giggle and we start running to the doors.

He is such a child sometime, I love it.

Thomas lets go of my hand and opens the door for me. I smile and thank him. Once we are both inside he grabs my hand once again and pulls me from behind over to get skates.

Before Thomas can give the worker money I let go of his hand and pull out my wallet and hand the worker the cash.

We both get our skates and thank him. Then Thomas and I walk over and sit down on a bench to put our skates on.

"You excited?" Thomas asks me.

I shrug "Kinda, more nervous than excited"

He nods and finishes to tie up his laces. I finish mine as he stands up.

Thomas skates in front of me and extends his hand out. I grab it, we both share a smile.

He skates while bringing me with him. We both roll onto the rink.

Thomas then asks "Last time we skated you said you didnt want anyone to help you, you sure you don't want any help"

I nod and say "Yeah I'm sure, just don't let me fall"

We both laugh. There is almost no one here. We both let go of each other's hand and we start to skate.

I start off very slow trying to not fall because I have bad balance. I look up and see Thomas skating backwards in front of me. How does he skate backwards?!

"How are you doing that?! I can barely skate foward!" I say in amazement.

Thomas shrugs "I'm just that good"

That's something I would say! Wow I really rubbed off on him.

I giggle and look at my feet to make sure they don't collide. "Show off" I mumble just loud enough so he can hear me.


I try to hide my smile but I think he noticed. Thomas moves and skates beside me. We turn the corner and I notice I'm going too fast.

I then start to lose balance but Thomas quickly puts his arm around my waist and helps me regain my balance. I put my arm around his shoulder for balance.

"Thanks Thomas" I say and I move my hand back down to my side. He lets go of my waist "Yeah of course" and we continue to skate.

I smoothly roll on the ground. I concentrate on my feet and where I am going.

"This is terrifying" I mumble.

I hear Thomas laugh. I look up at him but loose my footing. I try to stop myself but end up falling forward.

Somehow Thomas grabs my hands and helps me up before I could fall. "You keep ditracting me!" I say loudly. I laugh and so does he.

He is still holding onto my hands. We are holding hands while he is skating backwards.

"Thanks by the way, also... How do you skate backwards!? That's insane! Are you insane!?"

Thomas giggles and says "It's not too hard"

"Ohhh yeah definitely! It's so easy I can do it with eyes closed" I say sarcastically.

"Okay" is all Thomas says. He lets go of my hands and then closes his eyes and starts continues to skate backwards. "Whatever" I say giggling.

I notice Thomas getting to close to the wall. "THOMAS! THE WALL! OPEN YOUR EYES!" I yell to him.

He quickly opens his eyes and turns toward the wall so he can catch the wall to stop himself. I go to the wall he stopped at and try to hold in a laugh. "You okay?" I say laughing.

Thomas turns his head as he smiles at me and nods "Yeah, thanks for warning me"

"Yeah no problem" I say to him smiling.

Then he turns around and starts to skate off "Try to keep up"

My jaw drops and I roll my eyes. I close my mouth and ponder for a second then I skate after him.


We are leaving currently. I open the door for Thomas. He thanks me and then we continue our conversation.

We make it to the car, and we both hop in.

"Vanilla ice cream is way better" I tell him.

"No chocolate is" Thomas says to me.

I turn my head to face him and shake my head. He is already looking at me and he starts to nod.

I laugh and then start the car. "What about cake?"

Thomas thinks for a second then mumbles "Vanilla"

I laugh then start to drive with satisfaction that he chose vanilla.

Word Count: 834

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