Chapter 5: The sports festival (Part 1)

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You were meditating in your dorm room when a streak of sunlight hit your eyelids causing you to open them. Class was about to start so you used time skip to do your morning routine and ran to class. Once in you saw Aizawa telling your class about the UA sports festival. Many of your classmates were doubting whether UA should have the festival so soon because of the villain attack. But Aizawa said that having the festival after a villain attack would show that UA has confidence in their security and there will be extra security. 

"I don't want you slacking, so you should all get training." Aizawa said.

"Y/N, can I train with you," Midoriya asked.

"Yeah, sure," you replied.

"Can I too," Mina asked.

"Yeah me too," Kaminari said.

"And me," said Kirishima.

Soon, most people wanted to train with you. The only ones who didn't where Todoroki, Bakugo, Tokoyami and Mineta because you didn't let him.

"Okay, we need to go off school grounds, I've already asked the principle for permission."

You all walk out of the school and before you go you send a telepathic message to someone.

I'm coming, be ready.

After you did that you teleported to the lookout.

"Hello Y/N, what brings you here today," said a certain namekian.

"Dende, is it alright if we use the hyperbolic time chamber for 14 years."

"Fourteen years!" everyone from class 1-a said.

"Yes, fourteen years in the hyperbolic time chamber is two weeks in the real world."

"But won't we be a lot older when we come out," Mina asked.

"No, the time chamber lets you keep your age from you went in," you say.

"Well then, lets go in."

After you said that you opened the door and walked in.

"I'll teach you how to use ki which is life force energy. Once you have mastered ki you should be able to shoot energy blasts from you hands, like this."

"Wow, it's so bright

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"Wow, it's so bright. But of course, my navel laser is simply dazzling," Ayoama said.

"Dude no one cares," Kaminari said.

With that you started the training.

Year 1

You had taught the how to fly and shoot energy blasts from their hands. They had mastered flying but there energy attacks were quite weak. Midoriya was doing the best out of all of them.

Year 2

Their attacks became stronger than before and they were sparring with each other to improve their combat ability.

Year 3 

You taught them the fusion dance in case you weren't there to help. Their fighting ability improved greatly.

Year 4

You trained their quirks to the maximum and beyond.

Year 5

They were now able to use their quirks and ki together to make them even stronger. 

Year 6

They had learned how to use the kaioken technique up to times 3.

Year 7

They had learned how to use kaioken up to times 7 with no strain on the body.

Year 8

You were sparring with Midoriya when your fists clashed, his first sign of god ki.

Year 9 - 14

Midoriya had attained god ki and the others could do kaioken times 30. It was time to go back to UA for the sports festival. You say bye to dende and instant transmission to UA. Before we knew it we were in the waiting room.

"Everyone, get your game faces on. We're entering the arena soon," Iida said.

Todoroki declared war with Midoriya and Kirishima tried to stop it. But most people knew that Todoroki was not going to win.

Soon enough we were walking out to the stadium and present mic was talking about some stuff.

"Now for the introductory speech," Midnight said.

The crowd looked at her in a strange way, she was the R-rated hero after all.

"Silence everyone, and for the student pledge we have Katsuki Bakugo."

There was silence for a moment.

"I just wanna say, I'm gonna win." This caused the crowd to boo him.

After he got off the stage Midnight continued with her speech.

"The first event is an obstacle course."

Once Midnight said begin everyone started running through the tunnel. You rushed past everyone and instantly took first place.

"That's Y/N from class 1-a. He has instantly taken the spotlight," present mic said.

The first obstacle where big robots, you destroyed them with one punch and continued at hyper sonic speeds.

Next you came across a pit with ropes to cross. You jumped across it with ease and continued running. You saw that Midoriya was catching up to you so you started running faster until you heard.

"One for all, full cowling."

Midoriya zoomed past you using his quirk and his god ki.

Thinking: Wow, he's faster than I thought he'd be. I need to up my game a bit.

You started to try harder and caught up to Midoriya. He tried to run faster but he ran into a mine, You jumped over the mine field and so did Midoriya.

"Deku you bastard, get back here," Bakugo shouted.

You ran ahead of Midoriya and through the tunnel, making you first place. The crowd cheered as you stepped into the stadium. A few minutes later everyone came through the tunnel and Midnight did another speech.

"The next event is, a cavalry battle. There is also a point difference. The person at 42nd place will have five points and going up each place will have five added on. The person in first place will have ten million points."

You smirked as everyone looked at you.

"Oh, look at that. He's smirking. Class 1-A, always so cocky." a blonde haired boy said.

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