Chapter 7: Sports festival (Part 3)

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"Now for a lunch break before the afternoon festivities," Present Mic said.

You walked to the cafeteria and got fifteen plate fulls of food. You carried your food to a table and started eating and soon enough, you had gathered a crowd. 

"He sure likes his food," you heard Midoriya say.

Then someone shouted,

"Fat ass."

You rose out of your seat and gave the person a deadly glare. The person backed up and eventually ran away. You went back to eating your food and when you finished the afternoon part of the sports festival began. 

Tetsutetsu vs Kirishima

Tokoyami vs Yaoyorozu

Ashido vs Aoyama

Midoriya vs Shinso

Todoroki vs Sero

Uraraka vs Bakugo

Matsume vs Iida

Kaminari vs Y/N


You walked into the arena and once you both were in Present Mic said Go.

Kaminari charged up his electricity but before he had a chance to fire you released a large amount of energy enough to push him back out of the ring. Then you walked off the stage and back to the class 1-A sitting area.


Next match

You were at a stand off with Iida, a few seconds later he made the first move. 

"Reciprico burst!" he shouted.

You activated Ultra instinct for a split second and dodged his attack. His engines were blocked so you took advantage and kicked him in the stomach. The force of the kick sent him to the edge of the ring, you then punched the air creating a lot of wind pressure knocking him out of bounds.

Next match

You were in the ring with Midoriya.

"Begin," Midnight said. 

He started off by using his quirk. He tried to punch you but you dodged. This went on for a bit until Midoriya started to use his quirk along side the kaioken technique and his god ki. He landed a successful punch to your face and even managed to push you back a few metres.

"Y/N, everyone is giving their best to win the sports festival. This is my full power, why not show your power. Even if it is a little bit of it."

"There's a reason I hold back my strength, Midoriya," you say ad you recovered and lunged at him. "But if that's what you want, I will deliver."

Suddenly a red aura shot up around you as you said

"Kaioken times 2."

You lunged at Midoriya and punched him in the gut knocking him to the edge of the ring. You both lunged at each other and your fists collided creating a massive shock wave and a smoke screen. Once it cleared it revealed Midoriya out of the ring and you standing with a few cuts and bruises. You picked Midoriya up and threw him onto your shoulders and walked out of the stadium. Once out you fed him a senzu bean and he was back to full strength.

Next match

"Begin," Midnight said.

Bakugo fired a massive explosion at you but you left an after image and appeared behind Bakugo. You went unnoticed until he stopped firing his explosions.

"Ugh, where is that bastard!" he said.

You flicked the back of his head and he fell forward onto his face. When he turned around he shouted.

"DIE!" he shouted.

Before he could use an explosion you used time skip to throw him out of the ring. At this point the crowd were questioning how many quirks you had.

Time skip

The podium for the first, second and third place rose from the ground. You were on the first, Bakugo on second and Midoriya on third. The crowd cheered you and Midoriya on but Bakugo was strapped to a metal pole thing? 

"HAHAHAHAHA! I am here," All Might said.

He then gave us the medals and when he was giving you yours he said.

"Young Y/N, you are a very powerful human. You will most likely become the number one hero one day. Your quirk probably even surpasses mine in every way. Well done.
Now everyone say it with me, Well done,"

When he said that the crowd said Plus Ultra. They then booed All Might because he didn't say the right thing.                                                                                                                                                                                                          

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