Chapter five (Serenity)

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I had woken on the bed alone and back in my human form feeling like I was freezing. I got dressed and looked around for Clarisa to no avail. I decided to try and find my way back down stairs to try and find out what was going on. I walked down what I thought was familiar hallways and thankfully found the stairs that led back down to the main room. I walked down them and noticed everyone standing around talking and debating something. As I walked closer no one had seemed to notice me. I overheard them talking about using Stephanie as bait to draw the rogues out so that they could deal with them. Stephanie, of course, was more than happy to do it but you could see on her parents faces that they were against and Blake looked like he wanted to kill someone simply for the idea. I had to admit to myself that the idea was smart but not entirely safe. What if she wasn't able to out run the rogues alone? Then she could be captured before the plan could be executed. So I volunteered.

It made sense to have two at least. If Blake went with her then they would either suspect something was wrong or they wouldn't even try against an Alpha, but if she was with the same small wolf they had seen before then what threat would that pose? We had also proved that we were both more than capable of pushing our bodies hard enough to draw the rogues out and close to the council house. After everyone agreed Clarisa grabbed our hands and led us away from the men. "Girls you do truly understand the danger you have volunteered to don't you?" I nodded with Stephanie. "We need to get Stephanie safe. She is a future Luna...And I owe her more than I think I can express to her." Stephanie looked at me softly. "I also owe you more than you know Serenity. You have already saved my life twice and all though it may look like those moments were small and insignificant, they weren't. That small moment at both times made all the difference for me." I smiled at her. "And besides my sweet girl."Clarisa reached out and touched my face gently. "You are a future Luna too." I looked at her shocked and confused. "What do you mean?" I frowned at her. "Your mate sweet heart, he's here." She smiled brightly. My eyes opened in surprise. "What do you mean? And how...Aren't I supposed to have noticed or felt him or something?" Stephanie smiled widely. "Yes if you were raised with the stories you would have realised, but unfortunately you weren't so the signs that you have had you wouldn't have noticed." I looked at her and lifted an eyebrow.

Keith stepped up next to us. "Ladies, I think you might overwhelm the poor girl before having to deal with everything that is coming. Serenity I promise honey everything will be explained to you after tomorrow night if it has not worked it's self out by then ok?" He smiled at me with his hand on my shoulder. Clarisa and Stephanie nodded knowing that the conversation was to be dropped for the moment. My grandfather came over and joined us. "May I borrow Serenity for a few moments please?" They all nodded and watched as I walked away from the crowds with him. "Serenity I know you've been through a lot and I know you still have a lot to go through, but I am hoping after all this that maybe you would like to spend some time with me so we can get to know each other?" I smiled at him. I could hear in his voice the fear of me rejecting him but I couldn't. He was my last living relative and the only remind I know had left of my mother. His eyes were exactly the same as hers and when I looked at them I felt like I was seeing her again. A tear ran down my cheek and I stepped forward hugging him. He tensed up for just a second before returning the hug. "Your mother would be so proud of the woman you have become Serenity. You're brave and strong while still being caring and gentle. I'm proud of you as well my dear child." More tears slowly ran down my cheek. "Thank you granddad, you don't know how much that means to me." He pulled back slightly to look at me surprised. "Did you just call me granddad?" I giggled gently. "Yes I did, is that ok?" He smiled brightly. "It is more than ok, although it is going to take a little adjusting to." He laughed.

I hugged my grandfather one more time tightly before turning around and looking for Stephanie. I spotted a man staring at me as I did so and wondered who he was. He was handsome albeit a little terrifying. He was built like a mountain with black hair and soft stubble on his chin. His eyes were a soft blue but with a hardness to them that I hadn't seen in a man before. He was the one I remembered suggesting the idea of using Stephanie as bait. It seemed like a cold idea but it did make sense. More sense than trying to run the rogues down the hard way. I wasn't sure if he was mad or extremely smart but I doubt any of the other ideas brought forward had been any better. I turned my eyes away and continued looking for Stephanie and I spotted her standing over by the stairs with another woman. I walked over to join them and as I approached the other woman walked away looking upset. "Did I interrupt something?" Stephanie smiled. "Nothing that was important."She said perkily. I felt like she was trying too hard. "Are you ok Stephanie?" Her smile faded a little. "Come with me." Grabbed my hand and pulled me from the stairs then leads me upstairs away from everyone.

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